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Unban Appeal - Father - GTA RP


Los Santos NHS
Los Santos NHS

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Juan Kurt
Steam ID: 76561198151627344
Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk1528
Ban Reason: C1.7 C1.2 G1.7
Why do you think you were banned: With this appeal I aim to be as transparent and honest about the entire situation surrounding my ban. I plan on giving the most honest input to try create an understanding for the staff team about the situation I was in and as to why the "outburst" happened. I feel like this is a better way of doing it so that the staff team can fully understand my ban and I don't want to lie just to get unbanned, I'd rather just give the upmost and honest view of the events leading up to the reason I was banned and how in the future things will be handled differently

I was banned for C1.2 C1.7 G1.7.

At the time I was basically maining my Grove character (Juan Kurt) and was mainly just interested in logging in for the war against Ballas

The war between Grove & Ballas was actually fun at a stage and then it eventually became annoying not just for me but others too
due to what we felt like it was police ruining it at the time, as they wouldn't let us fight properly or they just waited for someone to shoot then they would shoot us and arrest us without letting it play out.

As I stated previously i was already one foot out the door within the server for months and didn't really enjoy it, I know it sounds weird but I kind of wanted a way out, example as a ban rather than the simple ways of just uninstalling and taking a break or whatever
as it would've made me feel less guilty about telling the people in Apostles and also the people that helped get it back to whitelisted that I wanted a break? I know it sounds weird but I guess I'm just a weird person.

And when that night happened I just knew I was done , I was sick of it all and i posted what I posted within the OOC chat and I can only apologize for what i said.
Why should we unban you: The last time I put an appeal in, i was appealing to just hopefully get unbanned and just transfer the stuff that my character had over to the people in Apostles so they can continue their own path and story
and then stop playing again after that, I wasn't really interested in coming back or really wanted to and this time around I actually have an interest in RPing again

(if I was to be unbanned, which is probably a big IF)

I would log on my Father Augustus character and transfer over the F6 lead to my brother who is the leader and have an RP scenario along with that.

I wouldn't have any major plans on that character, i don't want to be a part of any groups nor a leader of one again and just go about around like i used to when I first started and let it take off from there and see where it ends up
as the most enjoyment I had back then was just randomly going around praying or doing random rp scenarios in places with people and just having fun with it, that would be the only plan i have on that character, nothing to serious.

I would like to do something with my Charlie Hoe character though, that's the one that interests me as it was hilarious to play and always had the most weirdest/funniest encounters on it, but didn't play it much (as my wife made fun of me ) plus it hurt my throat
doing the voice to much lol.

My intentions (if i was unbanned) would be NHS on that character due to the fact that i believe you are going around to so many different people , in different situations and it tends to carry out roleplay that i actually was always clueless with before which was
medical RP (that type of RP before was the one that i struggled doing the most and didn't really know what to do? in terms of correct emotes and /mes).

Now to the point that just posted the last time I had an appeal with the words along the lines of kick me or ban me idc, done with this shitty server at this stage.

There is no excuse for what i said but at the time I did genuinely mean it, the words shitty server is the part i do feel bad about saying tho, and I will apologize for that to the people who continue to try and make it a better place, as the server for most people has provided
a lot of good times and bad and that "escape" so the term shitty server was wrong to use. The server at the time i felt like was going through a rough stage As a gang lead at the time i could see certain changes being made or being suggested
in the gang lead chat within Group members (which i even left a bit before my ban) and having 2 devs at the time leave who to me, felt like the last bit of hope for stuff in the server with what they provided (mainly the criminal side of things)
but they done many many other things to (and this isn't a dig to other devs or anything) and the changes that came with the police ruling at the time within gang encounters
all of this added up to my as you would say "Outburst" I'm not using this as an excuse as it i said, it was me that wrote it and said it and meant it

What i should've probably done at the time was take a break from the server or actually try and help it

If the question comes of "how we sure you wont do this again/say that again or have such an outburst?"

The answer is short and simple tbh, I do not have the time to commit to the server like I used to and if i did, i probably wouldn't either. I don't want to get involved like i was before and involved I mean all the gang lead stuff or knowing what's going on with this and that
i would just like to log on whenever and RP like how it used to be, not check my phone in the middle of the day and see my phone with 5 messages from discords all relating to something within RP, i cant be arsed with any of that anymore, i would just like to play casually.
The while I was away I separated myself from anything related, for months I didn't bother even watching a stream relating RP never mind "check" what's going on, I would hear things from time to time and that was it.
And I would prefer to keep it that way if I was to be unbanned, the ability to log on randomly without caring what was said in one certain chat or what change was made here or having to log on to do something as a gang leader, but just to randomly log on as a player
and enjoy myself for the time I was on.

I am terrible at writing and specially writing these ( more of a person for speaking than writing so, if some sentences come across as weird or whatever my bad.

Thank you have a good day :)
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @Father , I hope all is well with you? :)

At the time I was basically maining my Grove character (Juan Kurt) and was mainly just interested in logging in for the war against Ballas
I'd like to gather a further insight if possible?
You've always been known as a very high quality roleplay, many people enjoyed coming across you because every interaction with you was a good laugh. What happened, why did you suddenly become some interested in wars because this was not you beforehand.

As I stated previously i was already one foot out the door within the server for months and didn't really enjoy it, I know it sounds weird but I kind of wanted a way out, example as a ban rather than the simple ways of just uninstalling and taking a break or whatever
as it would've made me feel less guilty about telling the people in Apostles and also the people that helped get it back to whitelisted that I wanted a break? I know it sounds weird but I guess I'm just a weird person.
I understand you not wanting the guilt (I'm sure we're all weird in our own ways) however surely that would've been easier in the long run than going through this process and potentially being given a huge no to returning?

I would like to do something with my Charlie Hoe character though, that's the one that interests me as it was hilarious to play and always had the most weirdest/funniest encounters on it, but didn't play it much (as my wife made fun of me ) plus it hurt my throat
doing the voice to much lol.

My intentions (if i was unbanned) would be NHS on that character due to the fact that i believe you are going around to so many different people , in different situations and it tends to carry out roleplay that i actually was always clueless with before which was
medical RP (that type of RP before was the one that i struggled doing the most and didn't really know what to do? in terms of correct emotes and /mes).
I like the idea of this, and it's nice to see you invested in other avenues of roleplay overall.

Let's say for arguments sake, we are to character lock you as part of your conditions and you MUST play as a legal character for X amount of months before being allowed back on the others, would you still be interested in returning?

There is no excuse for what i said but at the time I did genuinely mean it, the words shitty server is the part i do feel bad about saying tho, and I will apologize for that to the people who continue to try and make it a better place, as the server for most people has provided
a lot of good times and bad and that "escape" so the term shitty server was wrong to use. The server at the time i felt like was going through a rough stage As a gang lead at the time i could see certain changes being made or being suggested
Surely as a gang lead and such a huge part of the community you'd want to help do the right thing, rather than insult all of the developers & staff before going out with a bit of a bang?

I do look forward to your response(s).
I don't know how to quote and reply the way you done so gonna try and just copy paste what you said with my response.

I'd like to gather a further insight if possible?
You've always been known as a very high quality roleplay, many people enjoyed coming across you because every interaction with you was a good laugh. What happened, why did you suddenly become some interested in wars because this was not you beforehand.

The Juan Kurt character at the time was just more fun, in terms of people would actually rob me on it and cause conflict to me , compared to my "main" (I enjoyed that side of RP at the time, the conflict, the robbing's, shootings and gang beefs and the no responsibility of that character, then it really only came to the point where I would log on for certain "push times" or log on times for Grove and I saw myself at the time only logging on for that really and even then I missed quite a few of them, I wasn't only logging on because of gunfights, I logged on because I enjoyed the gang side of RP a lot more and the freedom of that character and towards the end the only reason I wanted to log on for push times was to help out the rest of grove and help the time be a bit more enjoyable for them and I couldn't be on all the time as I will mention below about being a parent which caused me to miss out on a lot of higher tier roleplay within the gang scene as in hostage taking / spraying turfs and general presence of being a gang on their block etc, so it came to the point of logging on for the important parts which is the "gun fights" this isnt because i thought i was good or anything , I was more of a target dummy than anything lol and that's when I was needed to be about the most.

I understand you not wanting the guilt (I'm sure we're all weird in our own ways) however surely that would've been easier in the long run than going through this process and potentially being given a huge no to returning?

There was countless times I mentioned that I wanted a break and out of there and anytime it was mentioned I noticed a bit of a "unhappiness" or comments about how the group doesn't make sense without me or how it would die without me, I always argued the fact that a group is more than 1 person and maybe it'll make a bit of difference at the start but in the long run it wouldn't and it was always the same I just said eventually to them that i would only log on when needed and hold the lead as placement until someone wanted to step up and take it, that never happened.

I like the idea of this, and it's nice to see you invested in other avenues of roleplay overall.

Let's say for arguments sake, we are to character lock you as part of your conditions and you MUST play as a legal character for X amount of months before being allowed back on the others, would you still be interested in returning?

I do understand the need of people getting character locked for certain amount of time but I always looked at in a way someone would receive a character lock for having multiple bans and warnings for low tier rp on that character, in terms of robberies/baiting police/constantly doing the same thing with low quality roleplay and never really done anything else.

As a parent (same as many of others) My kid is my main priority through out the day and whenever I do have time I would very much appreciate the ability to log on a character of my choosing, for example my Father character, lets say I have the chance to play for 30mins or an hour, I would like to be able to log onto that character for the short time and not get caught up into something to serious and long, but the ability to just go somewhere and chat with friends or do something that doesn't take a lot of time for example helping out newer players ( I used to always do this on my main) as I had the ability to just help them example purchase the license at city hall or show them around, and it is of course easier, don't have to put on no accent like I do with my other characters , so it becomes a bit easier if you understand what I mean?

Now if you said to me, Hello @Father the only way for you to be unbanned would to be receive a character lock, then of course I would be silly to say no, the only thing lyI could on say no to is what I certain people receive is you have to do X amount of hours per week/month, as time is precious in life I do not want to be sitting with the wife and kid and realise "oh crap I didn't meet x amount of this on a game and I have to do it now or today" So If I did have a certain amount of time allocated to me to have to play a certain character, I wouldn't be able to promise that i could meet those hours.

(this was one of the reasons i left police on my Charlie Hoe character) as someone just randomly dm'd me at like 3am saying i needed to meet a certain amount of hours so i just responded with, take me off the police.

Surely as a gang lead and such a huge part of the community you'd want to help do the right thing, rather than insult all of the developers & staff before going out with a bit of a bang?

My intentions was always to help out, if that was for ideas on certain things to do within the server, or helping out newer players with "lingo" to speak or showing them around and how to get up and running, I always tried to give the best roleplay I could and create more of an environment for people to have a laugh and also a serious side of roleplay too, So I am hoping this time around if I do get unbanned I can continue to help out with no matter what comes towards me, if its questions about the server or more roleplay side of things.
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Steam ID: 76561198151627344
Ban ID (just the numbers): rpuk1528
Neither of these are correct.
Your SteamID is 76561198151627349
Your BanID is rpuk15128

I'll be a bit more blunt than perhaps some others will be - I think you're a massive pot stirrer. Sometimes don't get your way, throw your toys out of the pram and then sometimes take it too far and we have to intervene. This isn't the first time your childish behaviour has gotten you in hot water. You're a grown man, we really shouldn't be needing to coddle you whenever something doesn't happen as you wanted, or when something isn't just right, just perfect for Father Augustus. Not a great look.

This time, you've been banned because, presumably, something didn't go as you wanted with the police. The RP was sub-par, something happened. What that is precisely, I'm not entire interested in. You've been here long enough, you know the process. What the process isn't, is you going on an OOC tirade, calling the server shit, calling the police spastics, mongs, that the server will die and then adding the cherry on top "#bringbackzergingpolice".

Previously to this, you got warned for the way you were dressed and whom you were trying to impersonate. Rather than hold your hands up and say "hey, I thought it'd be funny, it wasn't, I get it, I'll move on", you were rude in a ticket, posted snowflake gifs and stated "if i get banned for speaking my opinion , then so be it, speaks louder for how the server is controlled for speaking opinion". Again, something didn't go your way so you kicked off.

There's further examples such as the amount of times you've claimed to leave the server for good but then miraculously returned just to cause drama, but I don't wish to dig any further just to hammer home the point that's been made clear enough. It just cannot keep happening.

I want to touch on something in your "farewell" post you made. You said:
now a days there is to much OOC drama and OOC shite that is so unnecessary.
Yet, you've posted this, this and this among others. This is all to say, you're just as bad as the others. Crying wolf about situations that you're just as deeply involved in as the others indicates to me that you don't realise the amount of negativity that you are also contributing.

This is all to say that there seems to be an overarching theme that everything is always someone else's fault, never yours. That's why I'm pleased to see this appeal is the opposite - it's you taking responsibility for your actions.

I'm not yet convinced that you're not just going to follow the pattern and do the same again as you've done so many times before. Convince me otherwise.
My bad on getting the ID and steam ID wrong. I thought they were correct ( I copied them from the last appeal as I thought it would be the same)

(as I said to dano last time I don't know how to do the replies on the forums so I am just gonna make yours bold in what you said and write underneath my response if that is fine).

I'll be a bit more blunt than perhaps some others will be - I think you're a massive pot stirrer. Sometimes don't get your way, throw your toys out of the pram and then sometimes take it too far and we have to intervene. This isn't the first time your childish behaviour has gotten you in hot water. You're a grown man, we really shouldn't be needing to coddle you whenever something doesn't happen as you wanted, or when something isn't just right, just perfect for Father Augustus. Not a great look.

I can see where you are coming from with writing this, there has been a numerous times I have came across as childish to others . now i agree with what you said in a sense of throwing the toys out of the pram and taking it too far and being a bit childish, back then i thought i done it for the better, not just for me but for the others that were thinking the same as i was, i thought if i argued my way and got my point across that there would be changes eventually or we could see some light on the things that i argued, it was never just for "me" though, i was usually the one that done the arguing and getting my point across as I thought it would get the point across faster as a "community leader". As gang members and in the gang scene we all wanted changes and for it to be better and not to be seen as "the bad bunch on the server"

All in all, I personally think I was a bit to invested into that side of things and would get annoyed at changes and would get annoyed when multiple other gang members didn't like something, hence why I said if I was ever to be unbanned I cannot be bothered with that, if i was to be unbanned i wouldn't want getting involved in to much, but hopefully play an hour or 2 at night , mess around with some friends and do some RP (cant really say what type of RP as the RP i always done was random but tried my best to make it enjoyable.

Now in my time here I have pushed the boundaries way to far with staff and management and I can only apologize for that.

I want to touch on something in your "farewell" post you made. You said:
Yet, you've posted this, this and this among others. This is all to say, you're just as bad as the others. Crying wolf about situations that you're just as deeply involved in as the others indicates to me that you don't realise the amount of negativity that you are also contributing.

What I originally meant back then by the too much OOC was the fact it wasn't the same as it used to be, there would be countless discords and countless discord messages constantly over and over about the server, about this minor situation and that situation, and the constant shit talking of situations, rule changes, how a gang is or what they done and how they act, about people being banned about rules and just basically everything, it was all too much, I originally wasn't addressing what I said in OOC chat which is yes, even worse. Back then it was just constant drama, from doxxing videos to people shit talking or people being banned etc and I just wanted away from it all, and yes it was drama that I probably chimed in on also and didn't help the fact as you see what I posted in OOC chat, what i should've done was just stay away from it, and i regret I didn't, but I got caught up in it all and didn't help.

I'm not yet convinced that you're not just going to follow the pattern and do the same again as you've done so many times before. Convince me otherwise.

This is entirely up to yourself and other staff team, If it was denied I would understand it 100% and agree with it, I don't know what really else to say in terms of "convincing"

But if I was unbanned, I wouldn't be getting involved like I used to, far far far from it. When I look back at how much involved I was, I cringe at the fact of it.

This time around if I was to be unbanned, I mainly would only come on and play when I have spare time or felt like it (not force it like I done before as I felt like I needed to).

I don't want to be a gang leader / community leader, I don't want to be involved in the groups discord or get wrapped up in all that stuff, All I would like to do is log on at night after I put my son to bed and finish what I need to do around the house, boot up fiveM if I am in the mood to play it, roleplay for a couple of hours and off to bed.
Hello Father!

Should you be let back,
Tell me about which character you would play and what you would offer?

I understand you would want to avoid groups and being a community leader but what WOULD you do?
You have lots of connections from all sides of the table on a lot of your characters.

What would you do with your spare time on the server?
How can we know you won't go down the same path/cycle?

(Also there's a " button you press then paste the bit you want to quote in there, that's how you do it :))
Hello PsianaRama!

Well my Father Augustus character would continue in a sense of being connected with groups, i would carry out some certain things and dealings "dont want to say exactly as of meta gaming" but i would still carry out that roleplay, the Father character only plan is to hand over the leadership of the Apostles to my brother Frank, do that RP scenario, chat with him, introduce myself to him and his group and the people I haven't met before, explain a few things and hope they do the Apostles name proud, i would be around to help and assist Frank with some stuff and questions he had basically on Apostles if he ever needed it, but I wouldn't be a part of the group, IC or OOC.

Charlie Hoe on the other hand, a bit more flamboyant character would hopefully join the NHS, and provide medical roleplay when I had the ability to play for a couple hours, this character will hopefully bring a bit of personality more personality to NHS and laughs , i am terrible at writing but i hope you understand what i am meaning.

My spare time on the server is many of different things just depending on the time that I do have, for example if i had a couple of hours I would be on NHS patrol on Charlie Hoe (that is if I am accepted)

Or It would be on Father Augustus, doing a few dealings and meetings and going around socializing, I hope to bring a bit of randomness that I had when I actually wanted to roleplay and provide a good laugh and a good time for people which I lost for a long time, this randomness is purely just from anything its kind of spontaneous tbh, I am sure you know what I am like as you have seen some of the random stuff I have done haha.

I can assure you I wont go down that same path / cycle, I don't want to be wrapped up in that "loop" anymore or as some people I joke around with, The "matrix" , I know it sounds very cliché as they would say but I'm not the same person i was in terms of being argumentative , back then i would constantly argue something until that point was across or heard and i just purely don't have the energy for that anymore and even if i did, i cant be arsed with it all if you get me? I don't want that drama anymore or even be bothered with it

Whether i am denied or accepted , i appreciate the understanding of my "situation" and whichever way it goes, I am happy that i have been able to explain myself to not only yourself but to others also

(Forgot to add this in, thank you for showing how to quote in responses, tried it again and failed, but i think that's just me 😂 )
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Hello there @Father

Very well. I am willing to give a golden chance and issue an unban today, however, any ban within the next 6 months will be permanent again. Should there be the slightest outburst from your side, misuse of OOC or abuse towards any faction, gang or player at any point again, you will find the door closed on you very swiftly and your chances to make yet another return will be extremely low.

Do not make me regret this decision!

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