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Unban Appeal - Gekka - GTA RP

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Server: Community Banned
Ban Reason: C1.6
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for being in the same TS call with staff as someone that was streaming it.
Why should we unban you: Hello Staff,

It has felt like quite a long 6 months, well just over 6 months as the appeal date was changed through one of my initial unban appeals. To be completely honest there is nothing different I can say on here that I haven't previously mentioned and I don't really want to feel like I am repeating myself but I guess I'm going to have to.

On that day, only God knows when that was cause I do not remember, myself and Kina were asked into a TS call by Liam to speak about a certain video. I told him I was in the middle of a Tarkov raid and would join when it was done. Admittedly, to this day I still have NO idea why I was even asked into TS as I hadn't even been a part of 229 for months at that point and had not logged on to the server for about a week at that point.

The first question I was asked along with Kina was if I had seen the video, like I said then I will say now, I had no reason to lie and said yeah I have which i think at that point hundreds of people from the community had seen that video. I was then informed if the video was shared around we would be banned, I think anyone with common sense would already know that but I of course understood and said yes we know.

Liam then points out he heard a streaming noise coming through someones mic, again I did not hear that at the time and kept telling him nobody was streaming. Of course, we now know Kina was in fact streaming but I had no clue about that. I was given an ultimatum of admitting who it was or we both receive bans. This to me seemed a bit harsh considering I was telling the truth but I understand the precautions that need to be taken when something like this happens. I told the truth then and am telling it now. I will say I don't appreciate whatever staff was in there telling me "we dont care we dont believe you" - a bit of a immature response especially from a member of staff i have never spoken to but it is what it is. To add to this in all of my previous bans I never denied or lied about anything as its pointless and a waste of time, Im sure there is probably also notes of warnings given to me where I have been pulled by Stuart a few times and actually stayed there chatting for quite some time, either just clearing up the rules so i dont break it again or just general chat.

To round off my appeal I will say, the reason I should be unbanned is because I genuinely never did anything and never took part in that whole situation, again precautions were taken and I understand that but I have still served my 6 month ban, despite me believing it was unfair I never once said anything out of line or disrespectful to any staff members after the fact.

Thanks for reading, Gekz.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good morning @Gekka ! :)

So we can begin this appeal, please could you provide your steam ID?
Thank you in advance!
Good morning @Gekka !

Thank you for providing this!
During the TS chat with Liam, you were asked to screenshot the 229 Discord chat for him, you replied "Yeah 2 secs" and then informed Liam you were kicked from the Discord.
Do you know why you were kicked?
Trying to recall something that happened this long is kind of hard but honestly, I am almost 100% certain he asked KIna for that not me? This was when Ron had joined the TS call under the name Bas, when he asked how he knew to join under that name, Kina had told him he had put a message into the 229 discord saying myself, Kina and Bas were called into TS to which people replied asking why and I believe it was Cal said he had also been called. Like Kina has stated in his unban, I'm pretty sure Ron would've just seen that in the TS Bas was not in there so he took his chance to join under that name, again, I had no involvement in that and honestly thought it was Bas myself until Ron spoke a couple minutes after being in there. When Liam then asked for the screenshot Kina went to get it but saw he had been kicked from the 229 discord. I know I checked for myself if I had also been kicked, which I had, but I dont recall anyone asking me for any screenshots or anything.

To answer that second question, I genuinely have no idea why I was kicked. If I genuinely had to guess I would say it was probably done so we couldn't show anything if we were asked but again, I dont know and I can't say I ever cared enough to ask. At this point in time I spent 90% of my time in the Apostles discord as I had joined them for about 2 months before this ban and the rest of the time I was in a Tarkov server playing well, Tarkov. I would only ever even check the 229 discord if I had been @ by someone, aside from that I never really looked at it.
Hello there @Gekka , I hope you are well.

Since you have already admitted to having seen the video, I would like to know what your thoughts were and whether or not you actually understand the severity of what happened there. Also, what was and is your connection to this day with the people involved in this?
Good afternoon @Sammy , thank you for the reply and hope you are well also.

First and foremost I would like to say I had no idea what that video would have on it and of course had absolutely 0 involvement in that. To answer your question, plain and simple, I do not agree with that at all. I dont think its fair for the people who were put in that video as they quite frankly couldnt do anything about it at that point. Not just in this community but anywhere online, i think its fair to say youre not going to be liked by everyone and wont like everyone. However, that is by no means a reason to expose peoples personal information and once it is out there who knows what somebody could do with that. I understand some people like playing games and especially RP because its an escape for them from reality, where they can truly be themselves without sharing their identity and that's what is good about it. I do understand the severity and I have never and will never understand why people dox other people, it just doesn't make sense to me. I also understand that you never know what somebody is going through truly, especially someone you know only online. For all you know that could be the last straw for them and that would fall all on you who did it. I also understand the stress it puts those people through and how scared they mustve been seeing their information leaked like that. Needless to say, I do also understand that it is a crime to do what was done or have any involvement in it.

Onto your second question, what my involvement WAS with the people involved, was nothing. I had no part in that video whatsoever, genuinely. This video, yes, was made by people who I was in 229 with, however, like I've already stated, at that point I wasn't in 229 and hadn't been a part of 229 for about 2 months. I was in Apostles discord mostly and only ever checked 229 discord if I was @ .
I stopped speaking to most people for a couple of months since my ban and end of November / start of December they were all going to a different server. Aside from IRL friends, online I don't really have people to play or speak with and admittedly I was having some RP withdrawals and regardless of how things ended on this server, the most fun I did have was when I was with everyone in 229 so I just wanted to re-live that again, as cringe as that may sound, its the truth. It only lasted until Christmas time and then again from February until March. I rarely come on my PC now because of IRL commitments but when I do, I'll play Apex with IRL friends or FC24 by myself.

A bit of a complicated answer, I know, but I'm just trying to be honest, to kind of summarise it I would say I speak to them here and there. I do understand you may see it as me being in the wrong for still speaking to them but I dont see a point in me lying, I would rather just tell the truth and hope you can understand where I am coming from.

Thanks again, Gekz.
Good afternoon @Gekka , thanks for the response!

No worries about it being a complicated answer, essentially we wanted as much of an insight to this as possible.

What is your plan if you're welcomed back to the community? Obviously a lot has changed since your ban was pushed through.
Good afternoon @Danoo.

To be honest with you, I haven't really thought about it too much leading up to this point but I know I want to try the police side of roleplay again. Last time I was a police officer was when corruption wasn't a rule and I was very corrupt to say the least. It was a fun experience even in the end when I did get caught and was held in the station for questioning and went through a whole interrogation RP scenario. It was something new to me as from the crim side, you never really see these things happening. Obviously, corruption is now not allowed so I do want to try and be an actual police officer who does things properly. I did always want to make a NHS character too, even on my crim character I made friends with the NHS and used to spend a lot of time with Bas and Jamie especially. I dont know why I never went through with making one but I guess its something I could give a go.

On my main character, Josh Gekka, I'm not sure what I want to do. I was done with the whole gang stuff for a while before I was banned, hence my decision to leave 229. I joined Apostles as I wanted a more 'laid-back' but still a "gang" type of roleplay. Needless to say in 229 it felt like in my whole 1 year+ of being in it, it was war after war and it was draining more than anything. So I think on this character I want to just chill and go meet new people, majority of the people I knew are either banned or don't play anymore and I have seen through the forums there is a lot of new people around so in all honesty my main priority would be going around meeting people again and catching up with the few people that still play. Potentially even get a legit job somewhere, someone I met when I first joined the server worked at Kraken when I got banned and if he is still there maybe he can "help me get back on my feet" so to speak. As silly as it may sound I do miss riding around in my R1 so that will probably be the first thing I do if I were to be allowed back.

Thank you again, Gekz.
Good afternoon @Gekka , thanks for the response! :)

I like the look of what you've got planned here - I hope to see you get yourself involved in many different types of roleplay upon your return as stated!
I'm willing to give you another chance on the server, as of now your ban has been lifted and you will be able to connect to the server.

As standard, any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the FBS - Please do not waste the chance.

This forum profile 'Gekka' will be banned and you will be able to log back into 'Geks' which is your original forum account.

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