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Admin Messages, With Love.

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West Midlands, UK
Every day, the admin and staff team receive lots of lovely fan mail, lovely letters, and peaceful offerings... 

We thought it only fair to share these messages with you, the people of altis that make this beautiful server a reality...

Lets start with my new favorite message;

you are the shittest admin on the server and just because you have some power trip when your kids and wife are shouting at you you decide to take it out on my mate adam by VDMing him. Your a fucking shitcunt. As an adult wtf are you doing playing a ROLEPLAY SERVER at your age you SAD FUCK. Bet your fat as fuck and just fucking eat halal all day you dirty paki cunt.
[COLOR= rgb(191, 191, 191)]http://steamcommuni[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(191, 191, 191)]ty.com/profiles/7656[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(191, 191, 191)]1198056202980/[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(191, 191, 191)]More to come from the rest of the team too![/COLOR]

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What goes through their head when they sit there typing this. Does it feel right to them? Do they get some sort of sexual pleasure out of it? I'll never know. 

In what way was I lying? I watched the recording snowwy terror put on, there was no handcuff sound at all!! It's there for you to see fool so don't call me a liar! Never even gave me chance respond! Bunch of clique bellends! Fucking losers

>Sends that message

>mfw I see his steam profile pic

I got banned for 'mass vdm'. It was just desync though, like what happened to you when you VDM'd me 2 days ago. My husband and pet dog fluffy were angry at me in the background.


Adam - love you long time



P.s. When I get unbanned can I have 10 million for compensation.

Neo LOVE ME :poo:

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#Keeping it so Quiet......

besides, I only ever kicked you from the channel, what you do to get banned is your own problem.

Hello, I was playing on your Altis Life server yesterday during the go cart races and I went afk while I went to the toilet. While I was gone my brother proceeded to shoot random people in a large group. I'm sorry if I upset anyone and will make sure that he doesn't touch the pc while in an rping situation again. If I could be unbanned that would be great as me and my friends were having a great time and I would love to be able to play with them on your server again.Alec Jenkins 

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Is your council house cold at this time of year? I know it cost a lot for you pakis to pay for youre heating but the curry you cook keeps you warm right? Whats it like living on a street full of muslims? got your turban on yet you fat cunt? You can VDM people then hurl abuse at them on Teamspeak and get away with it but us Civs cant? Is your wife shouting at you mate? Kids being trouble? Knowing you you'll fucking hit them seeing your temper. Can I get your wifes number so when she leaves you I can smash that pussy? Grown man with kids playing Altis Life Roleplay, honestly cannot think of anything more sad. Sort your life out you northern fuck.
Funny how he sits there insulting me, when looking at what he's writing, he looks dumb as fooook.

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I love these xD.

Why so many about you VDMing people Neo? :p ;)

1 incident where Adam accused me of VDM... he didn't want to resolve the issue, he just wanted to accuse.... 
He sent people to my channel, was getting messages as long as the M1... sheesh... Then as I told him to bugger off, he hears my wife and kid in the background... And I was busy at the time...

Never actually happened, at least not on my side (my view), but the server crashed during the chase, so no-one lost anything...

No idea why Adam was so butt hurt..... I blame his school... bullying is bad...

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This guy definitely has an extremely absurd attraction to Comic Sans, bold text, underlined text and italics...

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