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Asarid Out

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Lifetime Donator
Lifetime Donator
So as you can see in the title I am now leaving this community for good... for me it was very simple to make this choice first of all I dont sit at my PC that much anymore and instead I go out more often and have fun with friends and find new ones.

But its very importat for the tagged people here have special place in my heart and I will always think about the fun times together!

(Sorry if I missed someone)

@Rickkkk @Lewiis @Tivroxx @nevin You 4 lads have some special shit! My best times is with you lads, You all should have me on steam I will be there from time to time 💕

@INS Noah @DeFrag @Brad Miller @Tom Brady @Cleon @MrClown @HCGFoffe@m a i k o o o @DI Wade @Kazza @Sonder @Valen Bell @TheRealMason @Farmer Giles @WhoisDan @Centurion @F A D E @Ram @Drew @Archie and @Vladic Ka for the funny drunk streams!

@CSI Xsum (I hope you remeber the dragon born truck boxer!) 

@MrBohannon @☬ ☜═ Zotlex ═☞ ☬ @Spooner @Roberto 

I hope you all had fun when you played with me cuz I had a really good time with all of you lads here on RPUK!

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Goodbye Asarid you were a good lad good luck with whatever you do.

We have had some interesting times in the past to remember but I hope you do well man goodluck and maybe see you again sometime who knows. :p

Goodbye Asarid you were a good lad good luck with whatever you do.
Thanks lad, sorry that I missed you in the tags :/ 

We have had some interesting times in the past to remember but I hope you do well man goodluck and maybe see you again sometime who knows. :p
Indeed we had mate, Would be fun to play with you in the future lad! :)

I really do hope you come on TS and not just disappear! You'll be missed by a lot of people man <3 

So as you can see in the title I am now leaving this community for good... for me it was very simple to make this choice first of all I dont sit at my PC that much anymore and instead I go out more often and have fun with friends and find new ones.

But its very importat for the tagged people here have special place in my heart and I will always think about the fun times together!

(Sorry if I missed someone)

@Rickkkk @Lewiis @Tivroxx @nevin You 4 lads have some special shit! My best times is with you lads, You all should have me on steam I will be there from time to time 

@DeFrag @Brad Miller @Tom Brady @Cleon @MrClown @HCGFoffe@m a i k o o o @DI Wade @Kazza @Sonder @Valen Bell @TheRealMason @Farmer Giles @WhoisDan @Centurion @F A D E @Ram @Drew @Archie and @Vladic Ka for the funny drunk streams!

@CSI Xsum (I hope you remeber the dragon born truck boxer!) 

@MrBohannon @☬ ☜═ Zotlex ═☞ ☬ @Spooner @Roberto 

I hope you all had fun when you played with me cuz I had a really good time with all of you lads here on RPUK!

Haha that was awesome! Sad to see you go mate. Wish you all the best. Thanks for your service !

So as you can see in the title I am now leaving this community for good... for me it was very simple to make this choice first of all I dont sit at my PC that much anymore and instead I go out more often and have fun with friends and find new ones.

But its very importat for the tagged people here have special place in my heart and I will always think about the fun times together!

(Sorry if I missed someone)

@Rickkkk @Lewiis @Tivroxx @nevin You 4 lads have some special shit! My best times is with you lads, You all should have me on steam I will be there from time to time 

@DeFrag @Brad Miller @Tom Brady @Cleon @MrClown @HCGFoffe@m a i k o o o @DI Wade @Kazza @Sonder @Valen Bell @TheRealMason @Farmer Giles @WhoisDan @Centurion @F A D E @Ram @Drew @Archie and @Vladic Ka for the funny drunk streams!

@CSI Xsum (I hope you remeber the dragon born truck boxer!) 

@MrBohannon @☬ ☜═ Zotlex ═☞ ☬ @Spooner @Roberto 

I hope you all had fun when you played with me cuz I had a really good time with all of you lads here on RPUK!



All the best :) had some funny moments with you

You'll be missed 

@Asarid Thanks for being part of a long and special story here on Roleplay UK.

Good luck in the future... and in a few months/years look us up and see what we are upto and maybe say hi :)

Goodbye! ... oh before you go just get your passport stamped at departures over there *stamp*

Remember you will always have a place here if you find the passion again.

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