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Finishing Off Comrades


So last night i heard that staff told UNMC we are no longer allowed to finish each other off when we are downed or it will be classed as fail rp

I am sorry but this is a ROLEPLAY server and if my comrade was heavily injured with no chance of survival and he was in the worst pain imaginable are you saying i can't end his suffering?

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It's okay to roleplay it out before executing, but look at it this way. 

#UNMC 1 *gets wounded*
#UNMC 2 "Rip" *Executes*

--- Not much roleplay here is it? ---


#UNMC 1 *gets wounded*
#UNMC 2 "SOLDIER! Hang in there, You're not dying here today"
#UNMC 1 "It's okay general, it's ok. It was a great honor. *cough* *cough*
#UNMC 2 "Don't you dare die on me now SOLDIER! That's an order!
#UNMC 1 "haha" *cough* "It's unbearable general... let me reunite with my family"
#UNMC 2 "It was an honor serving with you Private" *Executes*

(I tried to come up with an example, sorryyy)

You wouldn't even wait for medics to confirm they can't save him?
I am trained combat medic, i know when someone can be saved or not.

@CyberDOLT I totally agree with what you are saying if you are going to essentially execute your comrade you should do it with good RP, because let's be honest after 3 minutes they can just respawn anyways but why not have some great RP like you typed out, i dont see why we should be punished for roleplaying.

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I personally feel like the approaching you're going on is very powergamey (if that is even a word). Saying stuff like your a combat medic, military units are trained to do it themselves etcc. Don't get me wrong though, I completely understand where you're coming from.

I understand why you're saying it and I personally don't see why you shouldn't be allowed to execute your fellow comrades honestly.

As Cyberdolt said, provided there is sufficient roleplay and not just a hit and run it's perfectly fine.

#UNMC 1 *gets wounded*
#UNMC 2 "SOLDIER! Hang in there, You're not dying here today"
#UNMC 1 "It's okay general, it's ok. It was a great honor. *cough* *cough*
#UNMC 2 "Don't you dare die on me now SOLDIER! That's an order!
#UNMC 1 "haha" *cough* "It's unbearable general... let me reunite with my family"
#UNMC 2 "It was an honor serving with you Private" *Executes*
Thats an oscar winner right there xD

I can never find the exact rule but it says somewhere that executions must be carried out with High Quality RP. As long as you roleplay and not just 'Oh, you won't make it' *bang* then it's fine. It's a server rule so as long as you roleplay, it's fine. I'm not staff leads... Sorry @Scott1sh :p

Personally (my own view) I'd say that if it was consensual, i.e. the guy on the ground is happy with it both in and out of RP and it's done with RP, what's the harm?

I suppose it could be abused though, say, to avoid said person being revived and taken into police / rebel custody.

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soon they're probs gonna make a rule that u aren't allowed to snipe anymore for roleplay purposes

Alot of people (Including me) Think you guys are only doing it to get lower NLR timer, so you can get back into the fight 3 minutes quicker. Doing so is obviously wrong, and (i would say) Bending rules and abusing the new "bleeding out" system.

Ofcourse if it is purely for roleplay purpouses it is fair game. However, like so many people have said before me: In real life, you would absolutely never even think about killing one of your friends if they were bleeding out... You would be trying to save them and stop the bleeding instead of "putting someone out of their missery".
