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Un-ban Appeal - RIPSergantAdamsC4 - 23/08/18

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Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Combat Log

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I and my friends we're defending another friend he was making diamonds and we protected him from being shot minute later helicopter landed and he went next to my friend which was making diamonds at the time I shot him because he pulled his gun and after minute police came to scene and I was being arrested because I shot innocent man " convinced murder " and when they dragged me i one of police cars they said I was going to be arrested but I didn't wanted to lose my stuff so I disconnected and didn't joined for like three hours when I finally did joined back I could not get in it said admin kick combat log so then I realised what I done I knew I fucked my only chance to be there

Why should we unban you ?
1.I will not brake the rules this time I will try to do my best to not waste my last chance (if u going to give me last chance) 2. Since u banned me I don't even want to come back to arma 3 only to this wonderful server when I wasn't banned I did stupid things but now I don't even want to do them no more

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

@Wilco @Nalurah is this the normal unban appeal u been talking about? 

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I didn't wanted to lose my stuff so I disconnected
At least you admit it, which is refreshing.

Was losing your stuff worth getting banned for though?

To make sure you are fully familiar with the rules, find the rule you were banned for on our page then copy&paste it here, then explain it in your own words so we know you understand it.

Then explain to us why we have this rule in place, and what the people you combat logged out from lost out on.

Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained. Punishment is a ban. Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).

It wasn't worth to get ban for saving my stuff wasn't that good but it was bought by my friend so I loved it and did not wanted to lose it 

U have this rule "combat log" so people won't disconnect during battle let's say u rob a bank and u disconnect after police come what to do to police get all people back maybe they ignored other calls because they wanted to save the bank they worked hard to get there and combat logers are really disappointing to the police 

Police probably lost something because they did not got me "convinced murder " maybe they lost something rank maybe I'm not familiar whit police so I don't know what they could lose but I think they got some kinda penalty  and I apologize  to police if they lost something 

Combat logers is bad thing I didn't knew that I'm going to get banned for this I thought it's OK ( I skipped a lot of the rules sorry) and when I did It I got banned I thought it's OK because once I got arrested "failed robbery" and my wifi gone really bad and I got kicked and i did not lose my stuff that's why I thought it's legal 

tell me what you will do different next time? 
How can we be sure you will follor our rules this time? 


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@RIPSergantAdamsC4 you've got to reply to the questions you get asked if you wish to get unbanned. Failure to reply soon will end up with your appeal timing out.

I am rip sergant Adams c4 and I'm here to say plz don't time out my ban appeal I can't replay because I thought it would be a good idea to post on someones unban post and I'm restricted from replaying everywhere that's why I created new account I hope u understand and help me out

I'm restricted till August 29

Wow, just wow. Denied.

Second account banned.

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