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Recent content by Agent Unknown

  1. Agent Unknown

    Permanent Ban Appeal - Josh doran (Unbanned)

    RDM-Shooting and killing someone without initiating any roleplay.
  2. Agent Unknown

    Permanent Ban Appeal - Josh doran (Unbanned)

    Sorry I don't quite understand what you mean?
  3. Agent Unknown

    Permanent Ban Appeal - Josh doran (Unbanned)

    In-game Name Josh Doran Steam ID 76561198084385172 Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/43605-un-ban-appeal-josh-doran-denied/#comment-254228 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I believe that i was banned almost...
  4. Agent Unknown

    Un-ban Appeal - Josh doran (Denied)

    In-game Name Josh Steam ID 76561198084385172 The date of your ban. 12/08/2015 Member of the team that banned you. WhoisDan Reason given for your ban. RDM (Random Death Match) The Server you initially was banned on. Server 1 In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned...
  5. Agent Unknown

    Un-ban Appeal - Josh doran (Denied)

    @BratJaggesVlnd so I added both
  6. Agent Unknown

    Un-ban Appeal - Josh doran (Denied)

    I must of miss read I thought it said date of birth.  Rdm (Random Death Match) to short and kill someone with out you engaging in a quality rp action such as robbery which could result in someone dying, (eg not giving a player enough time to follow and action or shooting someone in a city for...
  7. Agent Unknown

    Ok sorry about that.

    Ok sorry about that.
  8. Agent Unknown

    I know but I had put one up and he asked for a more detailed one so I was informing him that I...

    I know but I had put one up and he asked for a more detailed one so I was informing him that I had done a better one
  9. Agent Unknown

    Un-ban Appeal - Josh doran (Denied)

    In-game Name Josh Steam ID 76561198084385172 The date of your ban. 03/07/1998 Member of the team that banned you. Whoisdan Reason given for your ban. RDM (Random Death Match). Killing a player without engaging s first, This is punishable by a ban. The Server you initially was banned...
  10. Agent Unknown

    I have put up another ban appeal just to let you know, and this one is in more detail. :D

    I have put up another ban appeal just to let you know, and this one is in more detail. :D
  11. Agent Unknown

    Un-ban Appeal - Josh doran (Denied)

  12. Agent Unknown

    Un-ban Appeal - Josh doran (Denied)

    I have done a more in-depth one but I can tell you who I shot as he had a mask on sorry.
  13. Agent Unknown

    Un-ban Appeal - Josh doran (Denied)

    In-game Name Josh Steam ID 76561198084385172 The date of your ban. 03/07/1998 Member of the team that banned you. whoisdan Reason given for your ban. RDM The Server you initially was banned on. Server 1 In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned I was in Kaval with...
  14. Agent Unknown

    Un-ban Appeal - Josh doran (Denied)

    In-game Name Josh Steam ID 76561198084385172 The date of your ban. 03/07/1998 Member of the team that banned you. whoisdan Reason given for your ban. RDM The Server you initially was banned on. Server 1 In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned My friend was taken...