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Recent content by Anthonyy

  1. Anthonyy

    Just found this

  2. Anthonyy

    NHS Activity

    i dont know about you joel, but i am only here for the money, that is why my 'paperwork' takes so long when im at the desk of the hospital.  All jokes aside, NHS activity has greatly increased it just so happens that because we only have one place we are able to spawn we end up getting stuck...
  3. Anthonyy

    Rotors™ Flight School

    Contact will be made through the forums which is why you have to input your forum profile link. contact may also be made through ts if you can be found on the server
  4. Anthonyy

    Rotors™ Flight School

    ROTORS™ FLIGHT SCHOOL Dear Civilians of Altis, Have you ever wanted to have flying lessons by highly skilled pilots who are at the top of their game? then you have come to the right place. Rotors™ is a flight school lead by Air Vice Marshal Anthony of the NHS. Rotors™ is the first fully...
  5. Anthonyy

    Naughty Medics

    NHS... Saving lives on a daily basis... also smoking dank green...
  6. Anthonyy

    Anthony is out :(

    i never thought i would ever have to post this and this is going to be quite emotional for me to write due to the reasons i am having to leave but here is my story.  5 months ago me and a friend signed onto altislife as a bit of a joke as we both thought RP servers were a bit shit but the...
  7. Anthonyy

    Trying to land at Kavala PD

    you really need to learn how to land without a tail rotor
  8. Anthonyy

    Medics Tonight

    wow i actually remember this. it was my very first medic patrol
  9. Anthonyy

    You remember my last heli video?

    i was reviving people down by that compound and saw that heli crash. now i see how it actually happened
  10. Anthonyy

    NPAS Pilots are getting invasive

    see this is how i train my pilots. you will never find any one better!
  11. Anthonyy

    10/10 Driving from Anthony

    Yeah i got skills... What you gonna do about it!