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Recent content by Byron Walters

  1. Byron Walters

    New Job Role

    +1 from me, would love to see more diversity for the people who wanted to stay legal and make money instead of only mechanic jobs and taxing. 
  2. Byron Walters

    Bait Tackle Fishing Petrol Pump

    It only makes sense to be honest! Even if I had to buy it I wouldn’t mind but as @Christopher Graystated, CoC believed that the store owned it which it doesn’t. So therefore there shouldn’t be a fee but if there is I’ll have to live with it.  Hopefully it gets sorted out! It only makes sense...
  3. Byron Walters

    Bait Tackle Fishing Petrol Pump

    The boat shop own their petrol pumps which is what caused me to put this post up because IMO it makes no sense it being government owned if it’s attached to the shop.  Yeah it just doesn’t make sense it being government owned when it’s attached to the shop. 
  4. Byron Walters

    Bait Tackle Fishing Petrol Pump

    The Bait & Tackle petrol pump isn't owned by anyone, and as the owner of the shop it would only make sense that i own it. The pump is usable at this current time but it holds unlimited fuel, doesn't need a restock, and the price doesn't fluctuate.
  5. Byron Walters

    Fishing Things

    I completely agree, fishing used to be one of the best ways to meet people and not just make money.  All of the points you have stated, I would love to see implemented, some great points there. 
  6. Byron Walters

    Fishing Things

    100% fish should rot! Hopefully we see some sort of change to fishing as back in the day it was definitely the most fun and RP filled way to make money!
  7. Byron Walters

    Fishing Things

    Please can we either fix the door at Bait & Tackle or just completely get rid of it! Fishing rods being a one time purchase is very unrealistic, IRL, if you were to own a fishing rod you would have to buy new fishing lines or new fishing rods when it is used a fair bit. In my opinion...
  8. Byron Walters

    Bait Tackle Fishing ATM

    I completely agree but at the end of the day it’s up to the Dev and Staff team. 
  9. Byron Walters

    Ford Van

    Just a light suggestion but I think a ford van would be very good for RP.    link: https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/ford-transit-extras-unlocked Pros:  Good RP could come from this including builders etc and traveller communities. I think a lot of funny roleplay could come from this...
  10. Byron Walters

    Bait Tackle Fishing ATM

    Tell me about it 😂
  11. Byron Walters

    Bait Tackle Fishing ATM

    I agree. Personally I would say a better RP scenario would be on the way to the fish shop, following someone, planning something out and robbing the fish instead of not planning it, seeing someone selling fish and holding a knife/machete to them 
  12. Byron Walters

    Bait Tackle Fishing ATM

    To be honest mate I completely agree, there’s no real roleplay to it, it’s a few words exchanged, no real RP to it. Same with robbing taxi drivers. But with the addition of an ATM it gives a sense of security added to fishing which would have more people trying it and less people just doing taxi...
  13. Byron Walters

    Bait Tackle Fishing ATM

    With a level system and rods breaking it would create a lot more RP and it would make it a lot more enjoyable. 
  14. Byron Walters

    Fishing Tweaks

    Doing this would create so much more RP for everyone, including the police. 
  15. Byron Walters

    Bait Tackle Fishing ATM

    I would also suggest that once a rod is used for a certain amount of time, the line breaks, instead of having one fishing rod and not losing it. Then the store could sell fishing lines as a replacement once the line breaks. Just like what would happen in real life after using a rod for a while...