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Recent content by CillianA

  1. CillianA

    https://gyazo.com/9e254aa550b1a1dff32386b009708135 I tried ;_;

    https://gyazo.com/9e254aa550b1a1dff32386b009708135 I tried ;_;
  2. CillianA

    Un-ban Appeal - CillianA (Duplicate)

    Dear Admins  CillianA has opened an un-ban appeal Your In-game name: Cillian Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198141339464 Your GUID or Steam ID: 97cb29682e3387469ba0125acf621994 Date & Time you was banned:: 9pm 16/07/2015 Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the...
  3. CillianA

    Un-ban Appeal - CillianA (Denied)

    Dear Admins  CillianA has opened an un-ban appeal Your In-game name: Cillian Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198141339464 Your GUID or Steam ID: 97cb29682e3387469ba0125acf621994 Date & Time you was banned:: 9pm 16/07/2015 Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the...
  4. CillianA

    Cillian - Unban appeal (Unbanned 10/07/15)

    Im not trying to bend the rules I just saying I was unaware that I wasnt aloud to shoot into kavala, If you just give me a second chance this wont happen again for anything and if it does ban without question ? how about that ?, Since I got arma this has been the only server ive played and The...
  5. CillianA

    Cillian - Unban appeal (Unbanned 10/07/15)

    I know you arnt gonna believe me but I was on the highest part of the Hospital which isnt inside of the green zone you can go in game and check as its the tallest point to see into Kavala main street. This is my first ban please give me one more chance.
  6. CillianA

    Cillian - Unban appeal (Unbanned 10/07/15)

    I actually wasnt inside the green zone at the time Although I shooting into the green zone but not at anyone, I didnt know you cant shoot into the green zone as I said I didnt kill anyone, Wont happen again. 
  7. CillianA

    Cillian - Unban appeal (Unbanned 10/07/15)

    I wasnt shooting at people I was firing shoots to see how they would react inside kavala? I didnt know that was againest the rules ?, I didnt kill anyone so I dont see the deal, Im just asking nicely for a unban, Wont happen again I can tell you that.
  8. CillianA

    Cillian - Unban appeal (Unbanned 10/07/15)

    Your In-game name: Cillian. Your Steam Profile ID:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198141339464/ Your GUID:97CB29682E3387469BA0125ACF621994 Date & Time you was banned: 03:26 a.m 06/07/15. Please copy and paste the rule you broke: Im unsure which rule I broke and I think it was a...