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Recent content by DSGT Oliver Green

  1. DSGT Oliver Green

    Tomorow land 2015

    Oh that's just a warm up for the actual event, if you haven't seen the actual thing: There is a couple of more videos but I can't be asked to find them
  2. DSGT Oliver Green

    Ive been accepted but now what?

    @Droge Worst I've already did his interview a day ago. He's good.
  3. DSGT Oliver Green

    I'm Sorry

    I'm just dropping off a post explaining that: People sometimes make mistakes that have big consequences, but that does not mean you will never get a final chance. I know that a lot of people know that you are a decent roleplayer, and I can agree with that myself. So I think that most of the...
  4. DSGT Oliver Green

    WHICH ALTIS LIFE is the mod?

    Change your name on the server, names like: Admin, Owner, Administrator aren't allowed, change it via gouing to settings profile and make a new profile.
  5. DSGT Oliver Green

    Agdgdgwngo Set Up (Highend) No Peasents

    challunge acceptud. GTXX2 TITANIC (i made it.... shut up) I7 4791K 1001 WATT POWER SUPLY GIGABYTE X100M MOTHERBOAD 129GB KINGSTON RAM 21 TB SSD I REKT U
  6. DSGT Oliver Green

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned because I didn't watch it.
  7. DSGT Oliver Green

    Banned tags

    I still got banned tags even tho I am unbanned Long story short I need member tags.
  8. DSGT Oliver Green

    [V] Vixer - 3B/6A

    I can agree on this, They went on a killing spree in kavala and broke NLR about 50 times, every time I killed them or arrested them they somehow came back fully geared with rebel uniforms and that took about 5 minutes for them to get geared.
  9. DSGT Oliver Green

    You done gone Papa'd it!

    Thanks Papa! :D
  10. DSGT Oliver Green

    GTA Crash help!

    http://www.gamersnexus.net/gg/1906-gta-v-crash-fixes-for-pc-black-screen-lag Tried this?
  11. DSGT Oliver Green

    Corrupt a Wish

    Granted, however you became orange I wish that the server would stop being so un-playable.