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Recent content by Frosticles

  1. Frosticles

    Are Bounty Hunters Still a thing?

    Just wondering if this is still possible with a lisence? If so what tools do they have? Cheers in advance guys
  2. Frosticles

    I will be back next weekend

    All repaired and will be back on today. Cheers guys 
  3. Frosticles

    I will be back next weekend

    Hi all would just like to let you all know I may not be on until the latest next weekend. My motherboard has broken ha just my luck xD so please don't think I'm just not being active cause there is a reason xD cheers all and cya next weekend 
  4. Frosticles

    Screen Recording Software

    Ah cheers guys
  5. Frosticles

    Screen Recording Software

    Hi guys, Ive been looking into what screen recording software to get, normally I dont record due to lag but atm with better router I seem to be ok and with now joining police I need it. What do you guys use that doesn't cause lag ingame? Unfortunately I cannot get shadowplay, are there any...
  6. Frosticles

    Salty says goodbye

    Sad to see you go mate, Take care!
  7. Frosticles

    Compensation Request - Mike Jhonson

    In-game Name: Mike Jhonson Steam ID: 76561198118804741 Date this happened: 02/15/2016 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was playing with my brother and he RDM'ed a cop and therefore I lost all my stuff. This is shown in this report following with...
  8. Frosticles

    Report a Player - Mike Jhonson + James Choke - RDM

    I have spoken to several people about this and I do accept this to be RDM, weather I would agree to it or not its server rules. I take full responsibility for James Choke as he has just returned to Arma 3 and so was new to the server. It was my fault he shot fox as I didn't initiate properly and...
  9. Frosticles

    Report a Player - Mike Jhonson + James Choke - RDM

    My side of the story is that me and my brother were getting iron, we came back and my car desynced into his causing him to die, the medics and police came and caught me with an illegal firearm. I was tazed and restrained by Foxhound and the medics revived my brother. By this point all was good...
  10. Frosticles

    Bounty Hunters

    Alright Thanks very much guys
  11. Frosticles

    Bounty Hunters

    Hi guys I was suprised to not see a bounty hunter on this server as my brother wanted to get back into arma and join me here and play a bounty hunter again. Do they not exist here? If so how do you join them? Thanks Guys
  12. Frosticles

    Yeh cheers mate xD

    Yeh cheers mate xD
  13. Frosticles

    ahaha cheers xD

    ahaha cheers xD
  14. Frosticles

    NHS Applications

    Hey guys, I just tried to make an NHS app but when I click on it is says Error, anyone know why? Dont worry I got it xD