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Recent content by Jinsei88

  1. J

    Unban Appeal - Jinsei88 - GTA RP

    Yes, it was ingame and I send it when I went for a break, I think? The last apple deposit says it was 1.38 pm (that's GMT+1 if I am correct).  When I logged back in after the break it was almost 5 pm because the storm was about to hit. I think hunting took me an hour and a half so I would guess...
  2. J

    Unban Appeal - Jinsei88 - GTA RP

    The first 28 leather or so that was left in the Surfer Van, I do not remember where that's from. I use the Surfer Van as my storage box, so I just dump w/e I do not need on me in there. It has been in there a while and could have come from anywhere. The 100 leather after that, I gathered...
  3. J

    Unban Appeal - Jinsei88 - GTA RP

    Looking at Kathleen her Shires log, I can see there was 500 apples first, then 1k oranges (from two trips) and then back to apples. I am not sure of what was in the glove box. I usually have a car cloth, repair kits (one red and one blue) and some food in there.  The leather came after that...
  4. J

    Unban Appeal - Jinsei88 - GTA RP

    First of all... I have no reason to lie. I already stated I am very disencouraged to return. This is about me seriously not understanding what I exploited and thus wanting to know what I did wrong. Yes I have talked to friends and we came up with ideas but none of them involved me helping...
  5. J

    Unban Appeal - Jinsei88 - GTA RP

    I was out hunting and gathered the leather on kathleen myself... I then sold it to Emily ... There was no transfer between characters ... Something is being very misunderstood.
  6. J

    Unban Appeal - Jinsei88 - GTA RP

    Yes I have read the rules before playing, during the smoothie ban and once more now. I am asking what this is... What are we talking about? Selling leather to another player is an exploit? I am utterly confused. What is the exploit??? If I do not know what I did how am I supose to know? The...
  7. J

    Unban Appeal - Jinsei88 - GTA RP

    Hello Staff,   Firstly, I am not fully aware of what I did wrong. Yes, I talked with some people and they have given me an idea of what it might have been. However, I was unaware of this being an exploit and I still find it hard to agree with them that it actually was an exploit.   Secondly...
  8. J

    Unban Appeal - Jinsei88 - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Jinsei88  In-game Name: Kathleen Miller Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198134167840 Ban ID: !!rpuk11921!! Reason given for your ban: c2.2 g2.9 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: (C2.2) Exploiting - Using or attempting to use any exploits in any...
  9. J

    Report a player - 444 387 428 - GTA RP

    Just got home, will have a looksie now
  10. J

    Report a player - 444 387 428 - GTA RP

    Thank You for the explenation. I will see if I can make this work. 
  11. J

    Report a player - 444 387 428 - GTA RP

    Like I said, I had no problem with the car being stolen even tho it was in a shitty way. It was just to provide some back story as to how this all started.   I can understand this being a mistake/server issue but he does it twice. I choose to focus on the other person stealing my car and...
  12. J

    Report a player - 444 387 428 - GTA RP

    Yeah I can join you in discord and share you my screen of more
  13. J

    Report a player - 444 387 428 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Nancy Rose Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 444 387 428 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 02/17/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 2000 What best describes this incident ?: RVDM Please...
  14. J

    Unban Appeal - Jinsei88 - GTA RP

    oh my bad!  !!rp11193!!
  15. J

    Unban Appeal - Jinsei88 - GTA RP

    I am very happy to hear that it was not your intent to wipe the account over a smoothie because that was the impression that was left on me. From what I understood, my characters where already gone, so I had kinda already given up. If I had transfered other items then I would have accepted...