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Recent content by LazyTurkey

  1. LazyTurkey

    Sophie Aspin & Little T hahahah

    Lmao, sing a long edition. 
  2. LazyTurkey

    Un-ban Appeal - LazyTurkey - 08/18/2016 (Action Unban - 20/08/16)

    Yes, I will make sure to always make sure to always RP to the full extent and not worry if I could possibly get items stolen off me.
  3. LazyTurkey

    Un-ban Appeal - LazyTurkey - 08/18/2016 (Action Unban - 20/08/16)

    If I could go back to the time when I ran that player over I would role play it out like this: First of all I would pull over to the side of the road, stop the car and get out onto the pavement away from other cars so another incident doesn't happens to others like it happened to me and the...
  4. LazyTurkey

    Un-ban Appeal - LazyTurkey - 08/18/2016 (Action Unban - 20/08/16)

    In-game Name LazyTurkey Steam ID 76561198069837048 The date of your ban. 01/09/2016 Member of the team that banned you. Admin Kick (that's what it says) Reason given for your ban. VDM The Server you initially were banned on. In your own words, please type why you think you were...
  5. LazyTurkey

    A fair well :)

    Well I guess this is the end of the road for me. My time on ALUK was a very fun and extremely enjoyable with lots of fun and many great memories I'll hold with me throughout my gaming career. Although my time did have its ups and downs it made my Christmas holidays very fun and was the best 100...
  6. LazyTurkey

    Report a Player - [TC] LazyTurkey - VDM

    As I said before I didn't know how far it was to greenzone also I don't really have a tendency to trust people who 5 or so minutes earlier pulled multiple rifles on me. Also if you have a look at my stats page you will see 15k is a lot to someone like me who has under 10k at this moment in time...
  7. LazyTurkey

    Report a Player - [TC] LazyTurkey - VDM

    The reason I didn't stop to talk to you was earlier on I was driving towards what was a seemingly normal looking cop car that was pulling up towards the petrol station that was just outside greenzone, after I was near to stopping next to the car multiple members of TI got out and pulled multiple...
  8. LazyTurkey

    Report a Player - [TC] LazyTurkey - VDM

    You can also see in the video that I swerved out of the way of the hatchback sport that pulled into the road in front of me and accidently hit you.
  9. LazyTurkey

    Report a Player - [TC] LazyTurkey - VDM

    To be honest, I admit it does look like VDM after I swerved out of the way of the Hatchback. But maybe it was intentional to get me to VDM them after your gang members drove a hatchback into my way and also and at 12 seconds into the video one of your gang members can be heard saying "leave the...
  10. LazyTurkey

    Compensation Request - LazyTurkey

    In-game Name: [TC] LazyTurkey Steam ID: 76561198069837048 Date this happened: 01/05/2016 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: Was is in the middle of an iron run just about to go to processor, server crashed again. Link to any evidence...
  11. LazyTurkey

    Un-ban Appeal - LazyTurkey (Unbanned)

    Combat Storing:  Combat storing is the rule which doesn't allow a person and or player to store their items or vehicles during an active gun fight or in any sort of combat situation be it with police or any other players or members of the community. For example if Bob and his gang were at the...
  12. LazyTurkey

    Un-ban Appeal - LazyTurkey (Unbanned)

    In-game Name [TC] LazyTurkey Steam ID 76561198069837048 The date of your ban. 01/02/2016 Member of the team that banned you. DSGT Arrogantbread Reason given for your ban. Combat Storing/NLR The Server you initially was banned on. Server 3 In your own words, Please type why you think...