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Recent content by Lupus

  1. Lupus

    LOA - Various (Rejected - No rules broken)

    Heard SOMEONE start yelling RDM at me, but you know, this isn't gonna go anywhere obviously and the admins don't admin this server, so thanks anyway guys.
  2. Lupus

    LOA - Various (Rejected - No rules broken)

    Uh-huh..Ask the cop who got shot and killed then what happened ^_^
  3. Lupus

    LOA - Various (Rejected - No rules broken)

    Again, it's the fact that they camped and ganged up on me and claimed that they can because they are Rebels, which they weren't allowed to, then started yelling at me for RDM'ing when I picked up a gun to shoot at them.
  4. Lupus

    LOA - Various (Rejected - No rules broken)

    It's on the Map, go to the Map and then to the Rules regarding the Rebels. So whoever said I was new and ignorant to the rules and didn't know them, you sir can never be more wrong.
  5. Lupus

    LOA - Various (Rejected - No rules broken)

    I read the rules, this was an operation and a group tactic. In the rules it states that they CAN, but only if it's a Solo Rebel and they must fully RP it out. But this was a set-up operation by multiple people/rebels.
  6. Lupus

    LOA - Various (Rejected - No rules broken)

    People involved: Ricki, LoA Cool, LoA Slacky and a couple of others with them. Description: I was coming back from the Diamond trader so I went to the Cashpoint in Athira. They were all sitting there in 2 seperate cars and when I drove up and got out t go to the Cashpoint, they all jumped out...