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Recent content by Max99

  1. Max99

    Selling Guns and attachments

    500k 200k then we have a deal
  2. Max99

    Selling Guns and attachments

    yeah but im still trying to contact the buyer
  3. Max99

    Selling Guns and attachments

    I got: Guns: 4x MX Black 4x MXM black (Sold) Attachments: -Sound suppressors 14x 6.5 Sound suppressor  1x 7.62 Sound suppressor  -Bipods 11x Bipod Hex csat  5x Bipod MTP Nato -Scopes 9x DMS 2x MRCO Leave a comment what you want and your price
  4. Max99

    MX (Black), MXM (Black)

    The MXM's are yours 
  5. Max99

    MX (Black), MXM (Black)

    if there is nobody who bids higher before tomorrow 3pm UK time, 16:00 Netherlands time then it's yours. 4x MXM black for 500k
  6. Max99

    MX (Black), MXM (Black)

    I got: 4x MX Black 4x MXM black  Leave a comment with your price