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Recent content by Michelle

  1. Michelle

    I thought you meant that as a people not singular, just sayin that is all =]

    I thought you meant that as a people not singular, just sayin that is all =]
  2. Michelle

    yeah i'm patient just wondering whats going on =] running around as a medic and everything...

    yeah i'm patient just wondering whats going on =] running around as a medic and everything freezes, thought I might have overdosed on morphine xD
  3. Michelle

    yeah gotta give the management their dews for being so patient with all the spam.

    yeah gotta give the management their dews for being so patient with all the spam.
  4. Michelle

    ah right so no update, just a server crash

    ah right so no update, just a server crash
  5. Michelle

    thanks guys thanks guys

    thanks guys thanks guys
  6. Michelle

    Ahhhhh awesome, just randomly crashed after restart xD thanks for the information Ahhhhh...

    Ahhhhh awesome, just randomly crashed after restart xD thanks for the information Ahhhhh awesome, just randomly crashed after restart xD thanks for the information
  7. Michelle

    Anyone know what's happening with the servers?

    Anyone know what's happening with the servers?
  8. Michelle

    woooo waiting for my Police interview, hope it goes well =]

    woooo waiting for my Police interview, hope it goes well =]
  9. Michelle


  10. Michelle

    how do I apply for the NHS =/

    how do I apply for the NHS =/
  11. Michelle

    hey man hopefully you get chance to look at the reply. Thanks again.

    hey man hopefully you get chance to look at the reply. Thanks again.
  12. Michelle

    Hopefully the Police will accept my Application (fingers crossed)

    Hopefully the Police will accept my Application (fingers crossed)
  13. Michelle

    alright thanks, just eager is all xD

    alright thanks, just eager is all xD
  14. Michelle

    hey man I sent you the questions, thanks for being patient.

    hey man I sent you the questions, thanks for being patient.
  15. Michelle

    @SPC Timget the message?

    @SPC Timget the message?