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Recent content by Monty2Manic

  1. Monty2Manic

    Report a player - 350,230 - GTA RP

    Hello Hank, I do not have a POV from this as I only clip things I think need clipped, as you can see when im driving the rebla, he does in fact desync as most of us head over towards his motorbike, which is where i saw him go, and when i do accidentally drive over him, i go straight through him...
  2. Monty2Manic

    Report a player - 350,230 - GTA RP

    Hello, I believe I am the one in the Rebla (Pirus), I just want to clarify that from my eyes I did not see you on the floor, due to the de-sync that occurred when you got hit off your bike, I do not have my POV clip but from my side you ended up where your bike was and then turned invisible, as...