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Recent content by Mr Korma

  1. Mr Korma

    Unban Appeal - Mr Korma - GTA RP

    Hello Mike, I hope you are doing well today. The above is in no way, shape or form templated. I would not put my chances of a successful appeal in jeopardy with doing such actions. Before I wrote this I looked over other appeals to learn how to write them and what to include. I found out that...
  2. Mr Korma

    Unban Appeal - Mr Korma - GTA RP

    Hi Mike, Sorry about the steam ID I accidentally mistyped. My steam ID is: 76561199096578355 And yes, I did honestly write it myself
  3. Mr Korma

    Unban Appeal - Mr Korma - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Mr Korma  In-game Name: James Korma Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199096578352 Ban ID: !!rpuk13587!! Reason given for your ban: C2.3 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because I logged out of the server while I was dead. I had died...
  4. Mr Korma

    Compensation Request - Mr Korma - GTA RP

    ^ Above I have the screen shots of the transaction ^
  5. Mr Korma

    Compensation Request - Mr Korma - GTA RP

    I am able to pay for house tax again this month and will send over the screen shots when I am next in the city.
  6. Mr Korma

    Compensation Request - Mr Korma - GTA RP

    I’m pretty certain that both the payments from the 24th of May and the 6th of June were paid toward the tax of May as I still have June’s tax to pay. I also believe this as before the 1st of June I had no tax to pay and after the 1st of June I had two lots of tax that was due. I will see if I...
  7. Mr Korma

    Compensation Request - Mr Korma - GTA RP

    Hello @Lunar It was May’s tax that I have double paid for already. I however don’t know the exact dates for the tax’s I paid but I do believe the first was in the middle of May and the other around the 1st of June.
  8. Mr Korma

    Compensation Request - Mr Korma - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: James Korma Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199096578355 The date when this happened: 01/06/22 Please provide full detail and evidence: After the recent update of (16:00 01/06/2022) my house tax reset leaving me having to re-pay for last months tax which I had...
  9. Mr Korma

    Los Santos Court Badges

  10. Mr Korma

    Civilian BMW 540i

  11. Mr Korma

    Office Spaces for Businesses

  12. Mr Korma

    Mining Buying/Selling Changes

  13. Mr Korma

    Drug Supply change

  14. Mr Korma

    Keys to vehicles

  15. Mr Korma

    Main Supply Chain - Docks/Warehouse
