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Recent content by Nana

  1. Nana

    Horrible behaviour towards me and other female players.

    People shouldn't really focus so much on the fact that I named the gang said people are part of. I never said it's all of them since that would be absolutely stupid, I've met loads of nice people who are part of TCK! One of the people I play other games with is part of TCK and one of the nicest...
  2. Nana

    Horrible behaviour towards me and other female players.

    Since it's starting to really get to me and it just wont cool down, I decided to post something about what happened over the past few days. I don't want to stay silent and I don't have to take every insult people throw at me. As some of you may have noticed, certain members of the TCK gang...
  3. Nana

    Mature content - Nhs Funny Moments pt 1

    gotto say, your medic roleplay is on point! Youre doin a great job mr.Oaky
  4. Nana

    marmite is literally the most disgusting thing ever, eeek 

    marmite is literally the most disgusting thing ever, eeek 
  5. Nana

    are those your kitties? omg cuteness overload

    are those your kitties? omg cuteness overload
  6. Nana


  7. Nana

