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Recent content by Nanoiid

  1. N

    banned and not giving anytime (No response)

    like paul said using i would donate as an argument is not really good at the beginning and well if you like to drive people over or gun them down there are plenty of other game mode's on arma  when people come to the server they see that it is a ROLE PLAY so i think they should have tha...
  2. N

    CubanPete RDM

    oh yeah well like i said i'm not an admin and i dont want to point fingers but a lot of people dont understand that you cant see evrything from a screenshot so yeah but anyway good luck  -Nanoiid-
  3. N

    CubanPete RDM

    hmmm i would say that that is a RDM but i would also suggest to record instead of screenshoting  if it is possible that can clear out a lot of situations and help you with compensation or reporting players  anyway i'm not an admin only a player with a lot of expiernce so i would say GL and let...
  4. N

    incident with a spike strip (Unbanned 06/01/2015)

    some good advice from a normal player never Lie about any situation at the end they will know it and then ur fucked
  5. N

    I have Been Banned multipule times and its pissing me off (Unbanned)

    to be honest when u where playing as the one guy i saw u trolling as well multiple time's so maybe you should read all the rule's and ask it verry nice to get an extra time to play and  show all the players that you can play and rp bye the rule's greetings -Nanoiid-
  6. N

    Hello !!!!!

    Will do will do !!!
  7. N

    Merry Christmas And a Happy New-Year

    Merry Christmas And a Happy New-Year
  8. N

    Hello !!!!!

    Hello,  first of all i wanne say hi to all the fellow altis life players here  second of all i love this server great scripting from the dev team etc so yeah i'm a belgium guys who is kinda addcted to arma 3 i have around 400+ hours on altis life itself so  yeah i know what i'm doing i...