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Recent content by PC Dirtmonkey

  1. PC Dirtmonkey

    Dirtmonkey Cop on drugs?

    Sorry buddy think dsync may have caused this  :o   . I also believe that on my screen the wall was already down, I have never tried driving through walls!. But still my bad man ;)
  2. PC Dirtmonkey

    Ahmed Wabdhi (Sidechat metagame)

    Also Ahmed caused mass VDM in Kavala police station many times but unfortunately i do not have any proof  :angry:  
  3. PC Dirtmonkey

    When dialling 999

    This is true it is a nightmare trying to get the messages right when you bullets flying at you but if you do have time to send a text just try to make it as helpful as you can. To be honest most officers i have patrolled with will see a message saying HELP GETTING ROBBED IN KAVALA!!!!!...will...
  4. PC Dirtmonkey

    When dialling 999

    This post is for all civs, When someone texts the police it seems we seem to get a lot of messages like...                                HELP BEING SHOT!!!!! COME QUICK????? This does not help us help you very much as we do not know where you are or what the situation is. What would be...
  5. PC Dirtmonkey

    I could cry...

    What makes me cry harder is seeing INS Bizby leave the police force! :( Allways had a blast on patrol with you man
  6. PC Dirtmonkey

    Taking The Police Hostage (Important)

    As far as i am aware the 3v1 rule does not apply here,But sure value your life and all. I do think if we can spread officers out a little bit we will get more done instead of PCSOs stood around at base waiting for a higher up to go out with
  7. PC Dirtmonkey

    Taking The Police Hostage (Important)

    With this change would it be ok for officers to patrol around kavala alone?