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Recent content by PROSP3C

  1. PROSP3C

    Banned, for trolling I guess, let me explain!

    It is clearly in the rules that trolling in any way will result in a ban BUT, I really think that for new comers it should be made really clear at the start or implement some sort of warning system
  2. PROSP3C

    unban request

    I don't plan on doing that, I'll sit tight and wait for a response. I'm looking to play on this server long term so hopefully, all will be forgiven :) Thanks for the response by the way!
  3. PROSP3C

    unban request

    Lol i do see the humour :) I am fairly new, and posting a topic requires logging in via steam. Which I hadn't done before in my (brief) past playing AL, whilst checking rules ect. I'm so gutted, Really hope I can come back on at some point.
  4. PROSP3C

    unban request

    Hi Guys, I got banned from the server last night after getting 4 reports of VDM. I honestly cannot think of a single time I have done this, weirdly enough. it happened the same time as hackers ruined the game for everyone. The only thing I can think of times I could possibly have done this is...