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Recent content by PyroXNet

  1. P

    EDIM Leaving - Merged

    Im sad to say due to recent events that have happened I have decided that i would rather stay with my community which i came in with rather than leave my friends and still play on Alits Life.co.uk. I came in with EDIM and Im going out with EDIM. i hope that things still work out for this...
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    When the hobo's are out in force

    when are the hobos not out in force, kavala has always got shit blowing up somewhere due to hobos
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    [EDIM] Jamie

    Then I apologise but enough shit was going off in side, I plan on sitting in the TS from now on so if people do need to they can message me
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    [EDIM] Jamie

    our gang leader had said not to respond since it would just spam side chat, if u had tried texting using the phone I would have done
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    [EDIM] Jamie

    either way i naturally click kavala to respawn and did that without thinking so i apologize for having broke the NLR but i did also avoid returning to the church when i realised i had done
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    [EDIM] Jamie

    there was no RP though, he ran past me without saying a word which is perfectly clear in that video
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    [EDIM] Jamie

    this video was taken 5 minutes after the gun fight had ended and the cops showed up and hand cuffed me, there is no way that can be counted as retaliation as well as the fact he shot someone who was restrained by the police
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    [EDIM] Jamie

    my shadow play didnt catch the start of the fight but several of my gang members did catch me initiating RP telling him to put his hands on his head or ill shoot. i will get them to post links to it later today as im unable to contact them at the moment EDIT: you are also able to make out when...
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    [EDIM] Jamie

    I never left the green zone and I didnt think NLR counted when you were RDMd. i was handcuffed by police and then your little pal comes along and shoots me without any roleplay at all. and yes i do have video evidence of it .