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Recent content by Rei Ayanami ♥

  1. Rei Ayanami ♥

    Please unban me

    Jesus, alteast take your time to figure out where to post. Its like, you dont put any effort into it. And now you even wrote on another guys unban appeal geez.
  2. Rei Ayanami ♥

    I got 16gb but I do alot of Video Editing and record music with it. My cousin says this about...

    I got 16gb but I do alot of Video Editing and record music with it. My cousin says this about 16gb: "Its the same if a Car has 16 doors. You dont need so many to get in." :D If you dont do stuff like that its more then enoug =) Hf with that PC, specs are looking good.
  3. Rei Ayanami ♥


    Ayy lmao
  4. Rei Ayanami ♥

    G4S having a day off.

  5. Rei Ayanami ♥

    RDM Portoguese007

  6. Rei Ayanami ♥

    The Kartman Rises - The Liberation™

    Hell yeah, BAN THOSE QUADBIKES ! ! !11!! 111
  7. Rei Ayanami ♥

    VDM'ed but no name

    Hey guys, Me and my people were just VDM on purpose, I mean he changed his lane right into us. My question is, even if you dont get a name, couse the chat only show "*** was killed", can Admin see in the logs or dunno somewhere who it was? I deleted my recording (good job Hazel) so I guess...
  8. Rei Ayanami ♥

    Mega Man 2: Dr. Wily Stage

    Good ol' Times, where the games were good and the music even better!
  9. Rei Ayanami ♥

    Random Truck Explosion

    You need proof for that. I dont think it is enough if you only write stuff down.
  10. Rei Ayanami ♥

    What's your Dream car?

    I already have 1 (!) of my dreamcars. My beautiful Focus RS Mk. II *.* The next car I will get is when I am the head of the Neurosurgeon Department here in Switzerland. So in like 20 years. A Ferrari :)  I dont care what kind. I just want that horse on my steering wheel. EDIT: Fuck me, that...
  11. Rei Ayanami ♥

    Goldberg Variations (J.S. Bach BWV 988)

    I wish I could play stuff like this. Unfortunately I dont have the time at the moment for piano lessons. I even got a Violin signed by Lindsey Stirling for me. Still didnt catch any Violin lessons -.-
  12. Rei Ayanami ♥

    Robbed again

    Mate, next time you are ingame, check your phone if [G4S] people are online. Talk to them, we will figure out how to protect you.
  13. Rei Ayanami ♥

    Somebody a pro in chemistry?

    Well, if you are good at it... that means you are already better than me :p  I will continue to study tomorrow and if I have a question, I could PM you, ok? =)
  14. Rei Ayanami ♥

    Somebody a pro in chemistry?

    I just need a chemist now ^^ 