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Recent content by River

  1. River

    Ping in the states

    I'm from Iowa. Ping is alright most of the time but it can vary depending on the provider you have and a multitude of other factors. I manage alright but when I take my computer to other places the ping i get there is sometimes worse
  2. River

    Profession's Tab

    I'm not exactly sure, but is collecting pearls from clams somewhere on the professions tab? I don't remember seeing one.
  3. River

    Man Overboard!

    As a child I wanted to grow up to be a fireman. I never thought that I would spend my days in camouflage with a rifle in my hands. I was born and raised in a small suburb of San Diego CA, USA. During high school I worked a minimum wage mechanic job for a scumbag of a boss. After high school I...