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Recent content by Sarah Nash -84-

  1. Sarah Nash -84-

    Is the server down or is it just me?

    there are alot of us trying to get online but cant because s1 is full, any chance we could have server 2 up for a few hours? @Wilco or @Ciaran
  2. Sarah Nash -84-

    Is the server down or is it just me?

    is server 2 perma down? @Wilco or @Ciaran
  3. Sarah Nash -84-


    wanting to play as a medic on the servers and cant because s2 isnt up
  4. Sarah Nash -84-

    when admins play

  5. Sarah Nash -84-


    cant get on s1 (116/120) and s2 is down with no KOTH any chance we can have them up soon @Wilco
  6. Sarah Nash -84-

    Fukas Unban Appeal (Unbanned 17/04/15)

    if you are talking about me and my friend we had only just arrived at the garage and we were transferring salt from one truck to another and i did not have a gun until you shot my friend and i picked up his rook, then you shot me.
  7. Sarah Nash -84-

    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for being so brain broken
  8. Sarah Nash -84-


    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Dax Time & Date this happened: 5:20am 4-5-15 Which Server did this happen on:1 Description of what happened:had gun out in blue zone and shot me and a FA in the knee caps What Rule Was Broken ?:6c Have you tried to resolve with the...
  9. Sarah Nash -84-


    thank you so much guys this is a big help. i hate buying helicopters and then having them scrapped
  10. Sarah Nash -84-


  11. Sarah Nash -84-

    Rule 12B vs Rule 5

    i got told it was 1500 and i think there is a reference to it is stonemans guide 
  12. Sarah Nash -84-


     an aditional server would be great as upping the space will cause more lag. i noticed the lag more when they temp upped the max players to 140
  13. Sarah Nash -84-


    i am not intending to scrap helicopters i was just wondering. i own helicopters and i dont want to see them scrapped at all
  14. Sarah Nash -84-

    Side chat abuse

    if you do that you loose all side chat. the text and the voices, this includes any direct chat text too