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Recent content by sillysnoop

  1. sillysnoop

    you suck so much xd mad coz got shit on by pistol

    you suck so much xd mad coz got shit on by pistol
  2. sillysnoop

    Report a Player - Razor Life 247, Alexs - Poor/Low Quality RP

    also when the other groups turn up they DIDN'T PULL A GUN OUT therefore we didn't shoot them as we knew we were breaking the rules
  3. sillysnoop

    Report a Player - Razor Life 247, Alexs - Poor/Low Quality RP

    alright mate let me clear things up I was robbing a shop trying to hustle and you landed in a heli and pulled a gun out, the video is rubbish evidence as the main encounter is between me and Josh Ross. Josh proceeds to run round the corner and i shoot him, as clearly gun out = your probably...