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Recent content by Steve Bunting

  1. Steve Bunting

    Unban Appeal - Steve Bunting - GTA RP

    Morning @Danoo id like to thank you for helping with my ban issues  yesterday.  I don't want to pester you but was just wondering how long it would take for my result. i am sorry for asking but I'm just curious 
  2. Steve Bunting

    Unban Appeal - Steve Bunting - GTA RP

    @Danooi did yesterday and they said to ask on here?
  3. Steve Bunting

    Unban Appeal - Steve Bunting - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Steve Bunting  In-game Name: Steve bunting Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199072977169 Ban ID: IIrpuk16088II Reason given for your ban: PEGI In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I entered 17 into a police forum by accident with my fat fingers Why...