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Recent content by wildbeargaming

  1. wildbeargaming

    Arma 3 Lagg

    yeah, i think everyone has this lag mate... i have quite a good pc however after the new dlc came out - ive been recieving random lag spikes from 50 FPS to literally 0 FPS for uptoa couple of seconds. i thought this lag was only on the tanoa map but its on every map atm in arma. i hope they fix...
  2. wildbeargaming

    haha! i've only just seen this @Rossss+ @DutchyyThanks

    haha! i've only just seen this @Rossss+ @DutchyyThanks
  3. wildbeargaming

    RPUK Profit Calculator (Web-Edition)

    @KevinP What is the situation with this? The link to the program does not work anymore... ?
  4. wildbeargaming

    Can I get a link to the altis police handbook? 

    Can I get a link to the altis police handbook? 
  5. wildbeargaming

    How to loose 7.5 million in 0.25 seconds

    @GenuineAF I feel that you now need to make a song over this matter xD 
  6. wildbeargaming

    weird music video

    Don't diss, this is a fire track, Although the only reason you kept watching is because of the dancing women, don't lie to me :D  
  7. wildbeargaming

    New Microphone?

    Hmm I'll have a look at all of these, thanks guys  @Slayer @SectorOnPc @Ronnie Pickering
  8. wildbeargaming

    New Microphone?

    @Samatlewiss The name of that microphone wouldnt have anything to do with you choosing it right? Lmao, anyway thanks for showing me this, I've had a look at the bundle below and that looks decent!  :D :D  
  9. wildbeargaming

    New Microphone?

    I was wondering what others would recommend as a good mic for good quality voice coms, I looking for something on a stand that sits on my desk instead of one on my headset. Thanks in advanced   :D
  10. wildbeargaming

    Logitech G910 Keyboard - £89.99 (45% OFF) - Amazon UK

    @Wilco So on a scale of 1 to 10, how clicky and loud are the keys? I love clickey and loud keys
  11. wildbeargaming

    Oliver Heldens - Koala

    this is pretty sick when you have a vibrating headset. 
  12. wildbeargaming

    The Blast

    Bye, I miss the most recent moment we met, and you tricked @Mr Eagle   into thinking you were a girl. "hello lads" was the highlight of my day xD   
  13. wildbeargaming

    I get a hard one when i hear this song

  14. wildbeargaming

    New Character In The Making?

    @Delta Thanks, I will take a look! :D  
  15. wildbeargaming

    New Character In The Making?

    I have 0 ideas about what my RP story would be :(  I came here to see some inspiration but its unclear what people are posting here. Has anyone got any ideas?