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Roleplay UK

No thank you.

No need to reply if you just gonna say No.. I am trying to help out the community and it's players to get to appreciate Tanoa Life.. If we don't get the player count up, it might not remain. So much work was spent on it by our developers and coders, I do not want that to happen.

If you aren't interested, just stay on Altis and do your Altis thing. No need to reply and rub sand in the wounds.

Just make it easier to get money and people will come floating in ;)

I really like the concept of Tanoa but i cannot work 48 hours a week then grind every time im online, Personally i like a game to feel fun, not like a 2nd job. 

Mr Cardoso
Mr Cardoso
When was the last time you checked @Damien Wood? It's way easier now to get some money.

Give it a try and let us know what you think of it now.

I will give try on weekend.

Mr Cardoso
Mr Cardoso
Let us know how it went :)

@Damien WoodGive me a shout when you are going to try. I am very much willing to help you out at the start with a license etc.

I will play as a cop tho once white listing is fixed, give people some rp.

@KhandamirI thinks its too hard as well no joke. I am very aware it is meant to be hard, but it just feels like a farming simulater. There no room for fun and you have to play for 4-8 each day just to earn a small amount of cash. It is very clear to see from the player count that it is currently too hard for the majority of the community to enjoy. I do like the fact the staff put so much work into it, but we all have to face that the current state is not working sorry. I have less and less motivation each day I log on. I am even considering going back on Altis. I spent a lot of time playing other games because I get bored of Tanoa. 
