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Roleplay UK

Reece Smurf
Reece Smurf
Hate us cuz they ain't us

i saw one message saying the unmc have to many toys. what toys? the only thing we have that no-one else does is a strider. Compared to the police we have hardly anything yet mo-body says the police have to many toys lol seriously if everyone is so anti unmc then just remove us and we can just form a normal big rebel gang with no laws and no expectations

Reece Smurf
Reece Smurf
Just people in the community hate us mate no way of getting around it! Worst thing is one of our guys got a lot of hate last night personal messages because a streamer didn't like his RP absolute joke people need too stop ass licking streamers. 

i just want a fair crack after all every single gang faction or whatever on the island has bad eggs some more than most yet they still dont get the kind of shit we do , i just dont know if i can be bothered putting in 15 hours a day to try and make it work when we just get shit on at every oppertunity , id rather just play rebel without the pressure to be honest 

Well to even the field Blaze ... lets pull out the history books. UNMC was well known back then for murder and terrorism. The only reason now your getting all this funny hate or anti UNMC stuff out of thin air. Is because of a few videos and in-game related incidents.  Maybe if you made more legit role play of why to collect gold or did some reasonable thought and common sense. Also if you wonder why the rebels give you such a hard time, maybe try siding with them or just quit shoving your stick everywhere? Cause going out of your border it seems you get this ego of having your strider;s, ifit's, 150 round rifles and all these high end weapons. How should we think of you? Its the same with police, Police go with rifles, hunters or specialty items, you will think the same way. Consider 1 or 2 posts isnt the reason to get pissed off. Like this is a adult community at the end of the day. Everyone has a right to opinion. I could be wrong there might be tons more behind a sheet. But the current forums and such are fine. I think a few bait jokes and laughs got token the wrong way.

i honestly dont give a shit what police and rebels think of the unmc in roleplay , its fine i expect to be hated its part of our story , its when people bring it out of game and start calling for punishments and removal when we dont do half of much wrong as other groups, were not on this island to be loved were here to take out rebel groups when they get in our way and also the police when were not at peace but the one thing you dont see is unmc moaning and complaining about other factions out of game , if we get fucked we get fucked look at our bank opp the other night , the police beat us and we just said good game well played and moved on , yet that 100% never happens when the boot is on the other foot

Well to be fair, a like the UNMC. Alot of people say that the only thing UNMC does is gunfight. But alot of the UNMC member can deliver some good roleplay. 10/10 #letUNMCstay!


I do not agree with using a stream to throw hate at people, but at the same time the UNMC have been known to use bullshit reasons to execute people. I have no problem being executed as long as it's preceded by good RP (which has happened, I was executed for smuggling dodgy marmite across the border), but executing people because they get a bit shouty? That's kinda shit, do you not agree?

And yes, cops fuck up everyday, and people do pull them up on it, just generally not on the forums. The liason room is almost constantly in use. I think, personally, that the reason people do not speak to the UNMC when they have a problem is because, to be perfectly honest with you Blaze, to me at least it seems that you're all going to defend each other even if your UNMC guy really did fuck up. There is no point going through a chain of command that is- and excuse the irony of me using this word, given recent events- biased towards their members. You gave a prime example the other night when you defended one of your UNMC guys, and even said that I was wrong to ban him, even though he had been banned for really, really shit RP, and you know it was, you've been here longer than me, you must know that what he did was not acceptable. So when liaising with the UNMC is not an option, instead people bitch and complain. My advise? Stop the bullshit executions, and stop being biased towards your own people. If someone fucks up, punish them. If that doesn't work, then you can complain about people having an 'anti-UNMC agenda,' but at the minute you are giving people a reason to dislike you out of game.

There's also a very pro UNMC staff member, last night was however a show of who's got the bigger marble bags... it was a little cringey there was no other options thought up other than an execution 

i agree and this is why i said one persons fuck up shouldnt reflect badly on the whole faction , anyone inside the unmc will tell you we only accept the highest quality of roleplay and those who fuck up are punished , you can ask any of my guys and most of them at one stage or another have felt my wrath lol , just as poor jack did last night and has accepted his punishment and ive no doubt that in future his roleplay will be of a much higher standard. People just need to cut us some slack we work our ass off behind the scenes to keep the unmc in check and yes there will be times when someones roleplay doesnt meet our standards and they will be dealt with trust me

Scott S
Scott S
I'm currently on my police holiday and i am working as a solider of the UNMC and i can vouch for Blaze and his UNMC soldiers when he says that they only have the highest quality of roleplay, somebody messed up, your trying to tell me that has never happened in the police or in any rebel gang?
