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"They" really should 

Ghost Spectre
Ghost Spectre
i hope. it can because that will look way better on the forums. As i'm not able to ask the right people that is why here. Its just a matter of fact that reports and bans and PCC are not fun. so like comments is rude and show no respect for any matter

Pretty sure a post like this was put up not so long ago.

IMO I think people either like "player reports" etc because they agree and feel the person being reported or whatever deserves to be banned OR the person that likes the "report a player" dislikes the person being reported?

Dont see why the like option should be removed.

Ghost Spectre
Ghost Spectre
Because friends and more likes can have a bad influence on the results. i can ask 20 guys to like my post agains a report. but what about that guy? its like kicking someone in the ground. I used to have minecraft servers and i have seen people litterly crying about such a thing. As we all know about bully people it can end up pretty bad. in some cases even till the death. 

Just saying if this is totally nonsense just delete my post. idm

but surely a good report a player post is the best way to farm likes 😉

Oliver V2
Oliver V2
I can tell you on behalf of the whole staff team we do not decide whether a player gets banned because of the amount of likes a report gets that's just stupid @Ghost Spectre

Ghost Spectre
Ghost Spectre
I can see that fun of your msg xD

Oliver V2
Oliver V2
That is a ridiculous thing to say, you think because a bunch of friends of the person thats reporting another individual has a bad influence on the results of the report a player? I highly doubt a staff member comes along and sees a bunch of likes on someones report so they think "Oh yes, majority rules", this would have no effect on the out come of the report.

If I'm honest if someone is crying over such a thing I dont know if Arma or this community is for them, at the end of the day its a adult community so I'm sure people can take the fact someone wants them banned or simply supports the fact theyre being reported.

Ghost Spectre
Ghost Spectre
Indeed @Oliver V2 i believe that. I was admin and owner of many servers. that would be stupid indeed. that is only not my point here. But i do understand there is no option to take it away anyway cause it is still a part of the forum and that function is integrated  

Blaze @Oliver V2

If you knew that the function was integrated why did you post this? @Ghost Spectre

Ghost Spectre
Ghost Spectre
I tottaly disagree as this server allow lots of kids @Appleby what is not a bad thing tho. 

omg @Appleby you are not even an admin, come one. in some cases it can be removed depends what program you use for the forum

Just never mind alright. i see already you like to kick someone in the ground. just ignore this ;)

I'm just asking why you posted this if you knew it wasn't removable?

Pretty child like to assume I like to kick people to the ground, just so you know I dont like to nor do I.

Ghost Spectre
Ghost Spectre
Not sure about that. however you don't read pretty well. It was more like. if it cannot be removed alright. 

Cactus Jack
Cactus Jack
its not like you can vote yes or no is it mate. Its litterly just a like button

Sorry what? Genuinely don't know what your talking about now haha

what if there could be a dislike button added aswell 😀

Then you'd have people disliking admins decisions to unban people hahahahaha @blaze1981
