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Roleplay UK

tbf, we went there to talk peacefully, all we got was "HANDS UP HANDS UP HANDS UP"

yes @Lenny fraggin in the killfeed!

You did kinda use up your chanses of peaceful talk after you attacked us earlier today for no reason really.

heli majorly shot down by cso

there are no peace talks we tried they failed , now we have to try alternative methods to get what we want

I mean it is kind of a cycle really.

UNMC get arrested/sent to prison 

UNMC Rob the bank/lose

UNMC declare war

Loads of gunfights


Then it starts all over again

Reformed PLAYER
Reformed PLAYER
Shame I only got to see the last 10 min of the fight to sadly be ended by a teleporting ghost (literally) looked good nether the less ^^

@Ponty don't act like u hate gunfights :^)

Ponty u forgot to mention coming to NPAS to cry..

@Handy I'll have you know, I hate gunfights :^  )

TFW when you try to negotiate with the UNMC: 

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or it goes the other way unmc try a diplomatic approach to gain extra land police refuse and declare us terrorists 

unmc then go on the offensive  and police get salty unmc get asked by staff to tone it down a bit 

stop playing the innocnent victims your just as bad as we are , at least we admit it

Reece Smurf
Reece Smurf
Not our fault police never learn their lesson @Ponty

Well said! ^

To be fair, you put out a declaration marking us terrorists, after we asked for reparations and surrender of your CSI's and land, to compensate for the losses inflicted to us by you yesterday.

Did you expect to be met with a cup of tea? Bit .. how to say this nice.. not so smart of you then eh..

I just wanna state clearly that just because party A goes somewhere with the intention of a peaceful talk, that does not mean party B is prepared to go along with this. At the moment of your arrival, we were returning from a mission to attack the queens land and the police. We were in fighting situation, moving back to our land while chased after engaging in multiple small firefights. We then see police at the border, who, granted, seemed to have come to negotiate. But unfortunately for you, the UNMC command had decided not to negotiate and to be hostile to any and all officers we see, in response to the arrest/detain on sight order issued by the APD.

I'm just getting a bit fed up with people moaning and complaining, even in recommendations, that they ''just wanted some RP'' and got a firefight. The people who got taken still got RP'd with. It wasn't nice, we didn't ask you what you wanted for dinner and how you wanted your coffee. We told you to shut up, asked you things like ''Who gave you permission to speak''.. because that is the kind of behaviour a enemy combatant can expect from their captor in times of war/hostilities. Sorry but if you want UNMC soldiers, in the midst of a active combat situation, to be cheerfull and have a casual conversation with the enemy in that same combat situation, you do not properly understand the concepts of ROLEPLAY.

We play our role, we're the bad guys, we say nasty shit, we threaten you, we don't listen to reason, we tell you to shut the hell up and more.. You play your role, you're the nice guys, you help, you even try to take us alive when we try and murder you all, because you are the ''good guys''.. Those are the roles we play and the RP you will get from us will fit that role.. because it's a ROLE play server.
