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Roleplay UK

No, were doing nothing, trying nothing, and haven't been investigating it at all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

mnok triten
mnok triten
Thanks for this ironic message, but all im saying is a little update on what youre actually doing would help. You know its nothing bad, and you cant be mad at me because I put lot of hours in this server and now im loosing everything because it crashes? Pittyful if youd say that im braging, im just asking if anything is going on..

I am mad at you, you aren't actually contributing anything useful to the conversation. The forum search box exists for a reason, you know? We are providing information to BIS, and aren't the only ones having these troubles. You can see a better summary inside the development discussion.

mnok triten
mnok triten
How am I supposted to be "contributing with anything useful" when I am asking. All I wanted was a simple answer about this. My mad comment is cause by my mood because I am annoyed by what is happening. I think that is what you should expect from a discontented customer.. I guess that there is no point having a "prosperous converstaion" at all when you respond with sarcasm.. 

As I said, you don't need to ask, there is a searchbox

https://www.roleplay.co.uk/search/?&q=Mass kick&sortby=relevancy

And, I don't consider you a customer (this isn't a business) or expect you to do anything, you are not paying to be here, you are not paying for a service here, therefore you should expect nothing, and take everything your given as having no-guarantees at all. 

P.S definition of customer: 

"a person who buys goods or services from a shop or business." - We are not a shop, or business and you aren't buying anything from us. You are NOT a customer.
mnok triten
mnok triten
Or a user, whatever. Sorry I dont know the definition of the word in english as it is not my native language. And could have maybe posted the link straight away and avoiding having an agressive converstaion.. Thank you for the link.
