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Roleplay UK

As far as i know, yes.

Don't ask me, ask those who complain.

They could hardly handle roleplay from one faction, they were overwhelmed by the quality of RP coming from both factions together

There is no alliance...
The unmc does not work with rebels.

Jayray Holder
Jayray Holder
@Ant Arni 6 factions initiated on 1 hunter, and then started a fire fight with cops, don't pretend you had any quality roleplay in that situation, it was a generic gunfight with a generic initation of "Stop or you will be rammed" from tck. 

SI Max ORyan
SI Max ORyan

if you fight alongside rebels again you can go and join the aliance as unmc has nothing to do with it we fight alone.
jesus fucking christ how many times do i have to spell it out , there is NO UNMC REBEL ALLIANCE, we both have a common enemy who have bought on all the hostilities themselves by allowing certain sections of the police force to operate outside there own rules , just because we both have open hostilities towards the police doesnt mean we work together, at the moment we are giving rebels a break whilst we focus our attention on the police , if rebels get in the way they will be taken out as well 

like ive said there may be a rebel alliance but the unmc is nothing to do with it

@blaze1981 just busting your chops


Jesus christ can a man not meme alone in peace these days?? I wasn't even involved in that situation...

@Jayray Holder

yes last night a bonch of gang was allied with the unmc we  went  robbing RBA and HM much fun. 

Reece Smurf
Reece Smurf
Wasn't allies we asked you guys to capture cops bring them to us... we then drove up to the situation and were rdm'd by police ( for the 5th time yesterday) and decided to get involved. I let rebels wait in our checkpoint for police to arrive but was instructed by blaze to send them out of our lands, which I did! Police are just upset they did not win the situation. 

Jayray Holder
Jayray Holder
@Reece Smurf UNMC came on scene with 2 stiders and were continuously ramming our police hunter without seperately initiating when then made them involved in the gun fight that happen. hence why UNMC were shot at the military tower because they were chasing us and ramming us. Everyone rivalling the police did not separately initiate. If UNMC came to the situation to just overview then they would not be ramming us when TCK were the ones that initiated. 

@Reece Smurf We were very happy and even admitted defeat about the situation we were out numbered massively and still killed many rebels. You can not and have no right to say why we are upset, stop assuming and provide evidence that we are upset. the majority are annoyed that they was only 1 initation from 1 gang, being tck, and then AMW, Blackwatch, and Psyco's , unmc got involved when they did not initiate. You forget i was one of the officers on the ground and witnessed the initiation. Losing has nothing to do with this, we happily admitted defeat. 

@Jayray Holder

If you are Talking about the Oil Compound situation Im asking you to stop! As Reese stated and blaze we have taken our focus of rebels and to the police there was a discussion with gang leaders that we are willing to leave them Alone if they can agree on one thing Which is in this case to bring cops to us! We did that, they told us they had a hostage, we load up in a Taru in this case with me as the Pilot, we roll up to puck the hostage up, and Rhen out of nowhere I take around "LEGIT" 100+ plus to My hull without Any initiation towards the UNMC, aswell 1 of our guys gets shot and killed without an initiation Therefor we koined in on the fight! Unless the cops have Some Next lever shit of fucking Metagaming i would like to know how police knew we where involved as for the fact for all that U could have known is that we passed by. 

So this is the reason the police are moaning over this, (THERE IS NO ALLIANCE)!!!

Best Regards/ OConnor - UNMC
