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No, because that ''causes issues from both sides'' and ''is not constructive'' Even when all participants to the debate, like your status and Arni's one, were having a constructive discussion, it is not good enough to pass the censorship that rules our forums =)

Edgar Ville
Edgar Ville
There is one, it's called altis life chat.

Sadly gangs, cops and UNMC can't debate like adults without people being childish or posts being locked.

Staff team is reading all of these, in fact engaging with the discussion but as soon as someone breaks a rule, we will stop them from participating further. It's simple really.

Jayray Holder
Jayray Holder
@Khandamir lol the second my post was locked i went straight to staff and got staff to unlock it due to them reasons. 

The forums are becoming more Politically correct, if someone dislikes something, then don't read the post, don't get involved, if you can not control your own compulsion to not comment, then that's your issue. 

@Edgar Ville Funny that because my post was locked a second ago for some unknown reason, when myself and tck were having a mature and adult debate, i had to actually get my post unlocked due to it not having a good reason to be unlocked. But i do agree with you, some people can't debate properly, but that's not me. 

to be locked* for some reason i can't edit 

Agreed. If you don't know what it's about, don't reply. We can totally do without the one word/one letter replies. Those are the ones causing issues. The debate on your status was not. It was constructive and both parties were open to listen and admit where the other party is right, yet still hold on to your own opinion and have arguments ready to defend your opinion. That is how you have a debate. Glad to hear yours got unlocked again, but still, the fact it got hidden to begin with shows that people are to eager to say: ''This is a out of hand discussion'' without properly reading it. Maybe it's a result of so many discussions/topics actually getting out of hand, but it should not be standard procedure to lock down any discussion first and only re-open it when someone complains about it being locked.

I get why some things get hidden and locked. But maybe sometimes, it happens to fast out of fear of it getting out of hand.

as much as it is a good idea it will never be an adult debate there always will be that one guy.  Shame TBH

Jayray Holder
Jayray Holder
I mean 9/10 if something get's out of hand on my statuses i will delete it myself. The issue with debating is 20 people could be having a mature adult debate, but it only takes 1 person to start name calling, quoting rules, before it turns from a debate to a post being locked, hidden. I don't blame staff, i understand that not many people actually have the core abilities to be able to have an adult debate without it turning in to a shit storm. But i mean i deleted my post anyways due to just wanting to "Keep the peace" as i know that 1 person would cry. 

@_smithy Yeah, let's just assume that everyone is a childish dickhead. We should just limit the forums to reports and compensations. All other topics will end up in a shitstorm anyway. Because there will always be that one guy.

I like to be a bit more positive in my way of looking at the world. Maybe I'll get disappointed a few more times for trusting someone I shouldn't have.. but I'll be happier than I'll be if I just assume no one can be trusted to begin with.

Jayray Holder
Jayray Holder
As long as we adhere to the rules and keep it mature and do not target any individuals, then anything should be able to be posted. 

For example me saying Montana family have crap rp is fine (it's not true, great rp, have never heard anything bad)

But me saying @Khandamir is a really shit person and has shit rp, this is wrong, and not what a debate should start with.

@Jayray Holder as far as I am concerned, as long as you voice your opinion in a proper manner and you use solid arguments, I don't even care if you accuse me of shit RP.

For example;

I think Khandamir is a very bad roleplayer. While he always sticks to his character and doesn't break RP, his form of RP is very stale and he always does the same thing. He kidnaps someone and figures out a reason in RP to kill him. It doesn't matter what the other player does or how he plays his role, 9 out of 10 times, Khandamir will find a ''reason'' and kill the player. I think this is a bad form of roleplay, which may not break any rules, but isn't the kind of RP I would perform myself. I would hope that Khandamir sees some truth in my feedback and may use it to improve his RP, as he may not be aware he is doing this so often''

would be perfectly fine for me. It is constructive criticism, about my roleplay.

If you would say however ''Khandamir is a dick, he's always stoned when he plays and I just can't stand his shit RP from his shit gang. They always kill everyone without any reason and everyone dislikes them''

I would not be happy at all. One, you would be using swear words, which is not needed. Two, you use no arguments, only statements. Three, you use words like ''everyone'' and ''always'' without backing them up with arguments and/or evidence. You are blowing things out of proportion.

It's really just standard rules of civil conversation and standard rules of debate that people need to understand =)

The forums is the place to have an adult debate, it's just a shame that a minority (although appears sometimes to be bigger than one) are part of an adult community and yet act childish, which leads to things getting hidden and locked. If possible, we'll hide the flame comments and issues a warning or two, however time and time again that just gets thrown in our faces and we're forced to lock it. Personally, I don't mind (most of the time) having to go the extra steps in moderation of posts, however sometimes it doesn't feel worth it!

@Samatlewis thanks for explaining your side of it. I remember from when I was staff it is a very tedious business, reading through all the posts and deciding what is and isnt constructive. I must admit that, thinking back of that, I can understand why things get locked rather fast. It's just a crying shame that there are people who just love to stir things up and derail otherwise constructive discussions =(

Edgar Ville
Edgar Ville
For the record. If this issue of police vs rebel vs UNMC isn't resolved by then, this'll be the main point of discussion at the next community meeting.

Jayray Holder
Jayray Holder
@Khandamir the way you present arguments and the reasons you gave were great, and that's how a point should be put across, 10/10 for the structure 

@Edgar Ville It's not UNMC, V Rebel V Police, it's more so that:

Rebel groups like TCK don't want officers to actually follow the law and do their duties such as remove weapons, but at the same time want to do illegal roles without any consequences, as Tommy Shelby wrote on my status along the lines of "We made an alliance because of cops bad roleplay" i quoted it many times but i deleted my post, as i mentioned if a officer has bad roleplay this does not mean gangs can get together to kill officers and do mass kidnappings because within RP this is not a valid excuses.

People have an issue with how police take weapons, apparently "You have an illegal weapon, which is against the law, you can either hand the weapon over or i will forcefully take it (IE deploying a taser) is not good enough roleplay for rebels. 

UNMC have not much to do with this, UNMC have been giving fairly good roleplay reasons for taking cops hostage, and when they do, i have fun, and many others do too. 

The main issue is between rebels and Police. 

P.S i don't speak on behalf of the police, this is just my opinion and view on the matter.  
