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Roleplay UK

CST Andreas Lykke
CST Andreas Lykke
The reason there is nothing more written in our deny is because we wont coach you with your application, to make sure you get it right. Now instead of rushing out an application perhaps try take your time with this next one you can apply and read it through. To make sure you get in. Read questions and then your answer loud for yourself, and put yourself in our spot and ask yourself if you would accept that application

I've not been rushing anything out. I spend an hour on the first two applications to express my motivation properly in a language that is not my mother tongue and half an hour on my third. You are in need of people so I am really interested to know what else you need to know in this stage besides I am willing to put in an effort for the NHS, I am willing to learn and I will play by the rules. 

CST Andreas Lykke
CST Andreas Lykke
Hello, mr MaartenW i would like to request you in teamspeak where you will be speaking with me, and a CST about you NHS efforts

Would it be possible to do it over discord? unfortunately the hospital network blocks teamspeak. I will try to find an empty meeting room in the meantime then. 

It's not hard to do an NHS Application correct... Just put a lot of effort (like 2 paragraphs of 40 words each) I suppose and make the RP reviving thing RPey. It's not that hard...

Andreas, If you need a CST Regarding this i will happily help when i finish work at 5:30 (back home for 6pm uk time). Let me know on whats app though :)

CST Andreas Lykke
CST Andreas Lykke
@Gooba You can join in on the conversation i have set up a meeting with him, me and ayrton when he comes home from work. 
