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Roleplay UK

Ace J Hunter
Ace J Hunter
What crimes did the person commit for you to want to put someone away for 1 hour?

Jayray Holder
Jayray Holder
@Ace J Hunter Attempted RDM, VDM, Resisting arrest, theft of a EMS vehicle

Ace J Hunter
Ace J Hunter
Yeah defo deserves it then. Ill speak to Fluqi, anyway I believe that Stealthee may be working on a new system with regards to prison time. I will anyway be putting up a suggestion about how I believe it should work.

Nice crime stopping 

Jayray Holder
Jayray Holder
I really don’t think prison time should be increased until there is at least something to do in prison. Like imagine coming on to rp and have fun then spending a whole hour in prison doing absolutely fuck all but going afk. Just seems shit to me.

SGT Dean Hastings
SGT Dean Hastings
Those things are what reports and admins are for. Police are not moderators. 

Jayray Holder
Jayray Holder
@Rice Krispy Some servers have Prison systems that can last up to 24 hours. So i feel that's suitable for our server? No. But 1 hour isn't long. and most importantly 30 minutes in prison is nothing and really isn't a deterent.

I think a 1 hour prison time would deter more people for just continously baiting and doing crime. Especially the people we are currently getting. Majority of people that i've seen so far bait constantly. An hour jail time might actually fix that.


Doing longer prison sentences would just deter rp

From a personal view point from what I've seen it wouldn't exactly be a bad thing if the prison time was extended... Although I do see "nothing to do" aspect being a big problem however extending the time would possibly make people think twice before doing some stupid crime out side the police station. As long as the police don't abuse it I don't think it's that bad of a thing. It may also make people value there lives more. 

@Rekkemmo correct if people are going around rvdming etc then that is what staff/admins are for however we don't see everything unfortunately. Therefore I'd expect the roleplay to continue from the officers and to process people like normal. 

Ace J Hunter
Ace J Hunter
Here is my suggestion:
