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Roleplay UK

I am inclined to agree with your point, the RP quality has a long way to go before it reaches an acceptable standard for FiveM, but I think a better way to go about it is by making a slightly longer and more detailed post about how you want them to achieve that

@Alfred Wilson Easy solution WHITELIST the server so trigger happy non RPers like Jake Floyd and Seshead gets gone.

Just out of curiousity, seeing as you named two people; why haven’t you put a report up against either of them? 



@TikTak I don't disagree with you, but they have made it clear they do not want to do that and want to stay a public community, and for gated communities there are lots of alternatives.

In terms of upping the quality of RP I think it's a simple matter of staff being harsher in regards to low-quality and what they consider low-quality. But then again, maybe if you want the most serious RP there is to find on FiveM, RPUK might not be the place? Maybe they have decided to aim for a wider player-base by being more lenient in terms of RP quality.


To be honest thats not the way to go about it dropping names on a status update, grow a set. 

@Alfred Wilson i was on for less then 5 minutes the other day and tried pulling over a bike for speeding and was meet with stop following or get gatted. The staff is unfortunetly unable to maintain the RP of the community I would love for the server to be unwhitelisted but atm its not possible due to to many trolls and nonRP willing people. A good few of them think this is Arma 3 and shot for the sake that they have a gun. There is more Uzis then buildings and no staff to watch over this.

@Jake Maybe try not to kill everyone you see?? Cant post links here but everyone that wants to see Jake Floyd PM me for a disply of his "RP" skills 🙂

Charles Vane
Charles Vane
Can we not do this here?

You all know the correct channels to sort things like this and you also know whining on a status update is not the way to get issues sorted. Please lets stop this right here.

Hasan Carsteinnn
@Charles Vane the "correct channels" use a week for a 24 hour ban and is more overworked then the roads in New Yorks during morning rushhours. (No offence to staff i do know you spend your free time wich i highly appreciate)

@Charles Vane Discussion isn't bad in itself however I'm more than happy to create a post on my opinions and for civilized discussion on the topic as a follow up to this as a lot of the issues still remain

Do you think Altis was like it is now back in 2014? Like you were here when it started. Give it time man, its still in major development and crying about it ain't gonna make them go any quicker. There will be times when the FiveM server is at a high peak and a low peak in standards, just gotta deal with how it is for a moment. 

@Jason hence my point Whitelist the server. Make it harder to come and troll, RDM and RVDM

Whitelisting will kill the server. Most people at the moment find the server because it is one of the largest non whitelisted ones, they aren't finding out about it through hype, word of mouth or influencers that play the community. If we were to block off new players and make them write an application, it would just kill it. I agree that in an ideal world whitelisting is something that needs to be done, however at the moment we simply can't do that

Whitelisting a server could have a backlash in popularity for the server itself, would you rather have a couple of people who cant roleplay along with alot of others who can? Or would you rather the server be restricted and have a low amount of individuals who can roleplay, and risk new members who just wanna check the server out but have to go through the process of whitelisting? Which we all know is tedious and can take a long time to do. Would you not rather the FiveM dev team work on making the server better instead of creating a way to whitelist members? All I can suggest is that if the decision to whitelist the server is made, that they go a similar route in what they have done for the discord. By inventing a way for an individual to be whitelisted on the spot with the application short and sweet, asking their intentions rather than an overhauled application that takes 3 years to get a response in
