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Roleplay UK

Tell them again BIG +1



James Manly
James Manly
I see that nothing has changed since the arma days, sad

[SIZE=medium]Because GTA5 is rated Mature/17+ by ESRB, and 18+ by PEGI, and our server's location is kind of 'in-between' those jurisdictions, for safeguarding reasons we have elected to adopt an 18+ policy for players on our FiveM server. Players discovered below this age may well find themselves banned, and due to the intricacies of privacy law, identity-fraud and commonsense, may not be unbanned for significant time. We accept no liability for ensuring players are old enough, nor do we get into the minefield of 'proof of age'... it's sufficient to say that if you're under-age, and you get found out, you're gone, once we know. This is for everyone's protection.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]However, it certainly doesn't mean you have to be over 18 to be a member of our Forum and Discord community here, and you will find a lot of our members are. We respect the younger people and elders in our community and no discrimination will be tolerated.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]We expect people to show respect, act like an adult, and to treat people how you would expect to be treated, to keep this a place that people enjoy and look forward to coming back to. If there is a disagreement then disagree in a noble and adult manner. At the end of the day we are here to have fun and enjoy one of the best role play experiences you will find on the internet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]If you are here for drama or arguments (out of RP character) then it won't be long until you will be shown the door and it is extremely rare to be unbanned for the following important rules.

Taken from the rulespage.[/SIZE]

@Stavikquote on If you are here for drama or arguments (out of RP character) then it won't be long until you will be shown the door and it is extremely rare to be unbanned for the following important rules. 

I am here to voice my opinion on things, and I believe we should all be able to voice our opinions if we like to, without the threat of being "shown the door"  , people should be able to speak up and voice their thoughts and opinions on things without feeling like they are going to get banned, if I get banned for voicing my opinion and thoughts on things, then so be it, we are all a part of this community, it should not matter if you are fresh from today, been here 10 years, are a regular player like myself, or in staff, dev, management , everyone has opinions and should be able to voice them if they feel to, and not feel like they will get banned.

That paragraph you've quoted wasn't directed at you, Father. That's the last paragraph of the rule page under 'Adult Community' as is the text above that paragraph in @Stavik's reply.

However, these statuses can often go downhill and achieve little. A reminder of the following rule; "(C5.6) Using status updates or non member support forum's to talk about or discuss bans" too.

Big Up Augustus man of the people !

Aiden Brassard
I came from another community and ever since i came to this one i have to say that this one is definitely a more "censored" community if what i am saying makes sense.

I do feel like people can't really say their opinions clear enough, otherwise you are not welcome here.
