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Roleplay UK

where it says "thoughtful" i was meaning isn't thoughtful 

Since you felt the need to take this public, I will just publicize here what my respond to you is.

''You threathened someone with a battle-eye ban. If you had any evidence of talking shit to you out of character, you should have posted that shouldn't you? Don't attack me for doing my volountary job of keeping this community clean of people like yourself. Your appeal got denied, that means move on. Since you decided to, against the rules, contact a staff member and posted those comments on my profile, I will proceed with banning your forum account for two weeks. This is all in accordance with both our rules and has been dicussed with a senior admin.

Go think about your own mistakes instead of trying to shift the blame on me. How am I biased for banning someone who is so childish as to threathen other people with a battle-eye ban, as well as cocky for trying to make people believe you are even in position to get that done.. All in all; You are a immature person who speaks before he thinks and tries to shift the blame for his own actions onto someone who is actually trying to help the community out, voluntary.''

Warning point issued. Continue this behaviour and you will be advised to the head admins for a community wide ban. Consider yourself warned.

Ill let you have a second opinion, What you did was a childish threat and you should consider your conduct online.

Should i rethink my position in this community ? 
