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Roleplay UK

A portable toilet, often referred to as a porta-potty, honey bucket (American English), Port-a-John (American English), or Portaloo (UK).

I am making a stand against the improper terminology in this community.

It's bathroom, not loo!

It's a trunk, not a boot!

It's MY CAR, MY GUN, not ME CAR.

  • iSzmifF.png

  • I agree that it should not be called a boot however what are you suggested, an elephant's nose...
  • And no one that uses correct English says "Me car" instead of "My car"
Ambassador Fung
Ambassador Fung
Potties are for 2 year olds

Much like americans would say 'Bandaid' which is a trademark of a popular brand of sticking-plaster. Or Vaseline is a brand of Petroleum Jelly, Portaloo is a traemark of Portable Bathroom :)

However, it is indeed the boot of the car at the back, and the bonnet at the front. Although on my own car, it has a Hood Scoop, which is of course fitted to the bonnet ;)

@Thesoldier and @John sherridanis it Coke, Soda, or Pop to call a fizzy drink in your respective states? MN gf tries to tell me it's Pop, but she's wrong.
