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Roleplay UK

Banana Duck
Banana Duck
Yes...yes I did.... :D it really doesn't take me that long anymore lol I did it in like 4 mins.

plus it cheers up comperguythingy.

Is that even allowed?

Surely you would have to post a 5minute un-edited version of events to show the full picture, maybe you initiated on him before that? Not saying you did, but an edited video like that doesn't always show the true story, and if the staff team accepted that, it would be just from assuming that he broke rules cos you added a few shit memes onto a vid

Banana Duck
Banana Duck
He's been RDMing all day. There are already reports about him, what I showed is more than sufficient evidence at the start with no RP. If you're so upset about this I suggest you take it to management. 

I'm only trying to brighten up boring ass reports.
