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  • mate if your gonna play on the server learn the controls i clearly asked you several times to put your hands up and you didnt reply and im not going to stand and wait for you to ask your friend when i believe you are just ignoring me so i shot you. 

    Joseph Boot
    Joseph Boot
    thanks for proving my point in more detail that was basically what i was trying to imply ;-)

    Unfortunately, looking at the video, im afraid the admin was right. It does look a lot like RDM. I can understand you being cautious, but you had him surrounded with 3 people and should have given him more time.. Next time try something like; ''I dont want to shoot you but I will, comply with my demands or say something at least''.. It doesn't look like he tried to speak, or ask you guys anything.. That is not good of him, he should have stuck in character and acted scared (at least what I would have done), but yeah.. A little more time to comply when clearly in such a advantageous position would be better =).

    Joseph Boot
    Joseph Boot
    yeah i totally understand that it was just the amount of times ive given people time to put their hands up then i get shot. therefore it puts you on edge so in the heat of the moment i shot him as he wasnt complying in the time i gave him. i do undersatnd where you are coming from though.

    Jay if my unban appeal actually gets accepted i will be happy to give compensation for your gear at the time.

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