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Vladic Ka
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  • Awesome stream so far :D

    Vladic Ka
    Vladic Ka
    All the guys that joined in the stream tonight are fucking legends! All the crazy bastards that got me fucked up on stream, nearly! All the guys that donated you are crazy fucks!

    Streaming in 15 minutes guys. Lets see what Friday will bring. I will also Zeus anyone that breaks rules in front of me. 


    I will not Zeus you. I will ban you.

    Steven Seabass
    Steven Seabass
    Only on your end! I'll be sober so no worries :)

    Hope you enjoyed all the shots <3

    One Shot
    One Shot
    looking good m8

    Doing a different kind of stream today. Mostly chatting while I go through appeals and then I might stream the rules meeting later. 

    Steven Seabass
    Steven Seabass
    See you there hopefully :)

    Could you stream the forums so we see how it looks admin wise?

    Vladic Ka
    Vladic Ka
    Sorry fergus only just saw this. I can't mate in case I show ips 

    Black Friday Giveaways on stream tonight!


    Spoiler (There may be more)

    Vladic Ka
    Vladic Ka
    Oh wow! Cheers @One Shot!

    Just added 20 premium steam keys for the runners up!

    Vladic Ka
    Vladic Ka
    So my mate is in the middle of sending me 8 PAGES! of steam keys. Might have to admin cam the whole night tonight!

    @One Shot, damn son they are two great games there. Good luck to who ever wins it because those games are sick (replaying wolfenstine on PS4 atm)

    Made me want to go skint for a week so i can get planetcoaster :(

    Vladic Ka
    Vladic Ka
    It really is good fun. That "short" stream turned into 3 hours in a blink of an eye!

    Thing is ill buy it get bored then have more fun watching you play it and get annoyed i bought it 

    Once again thank you very very much to the guys watching and supporting my stream tonight! Big shout out goes to my first wisp subscribers! By the time this this post is up I should have followed you all on twitch! If you need an autohost please feel free to message me and I will! Thanks again guys!

    Can't believe you bummed my Easy Street song. It's my torture music!

    Vladic Ka
    Vladic Ka
    Oops! Sorry! I made my wife make me bacon rolls this morning with it!

    PC Harvey
    PC Harvey
    I was humming it in work yesterday and this guy gives me the DIRTIEST look xD

    As you can see we have 2 full servers at the minute. Please be sure we are working hard to get server 3 up and running soon™

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