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  • Stream Tomorrow, make sure to come say Hi! 

    Will come on for a bit.

    What time will you be streaming?


    I will look forward to see the new overlay ;)

    YouTube videos coming soon, however need an new intro? Any people out there who love designing want to make me one, Small Intro with my name the RPUK Logo and text saying Altis Life? 

    What's that, is that a stream i can see coming up soon? hmm, who knows, I might ;)

    Oak Canada
    Oak Canada
    ouh, ill be there with no pants on!


    Right, My christmas has started, will most likely be back around the 27/28th I'm going to get absolutely bladdered. Been stuck in work over christmas so now is the time to get rat arsed. Have a great christmas everyone!

    James Travers
    James Travers
    Have fun getting pissed xD, and enjoy the day after....... :)

    you to Drew. Are you gonna get wasted to a New years evening? :D

    @DippyCoB Great question... I have many answers to that one but to keep it family friendly lets go with there mothers drinking while pregnant and then dropping them as children, I do however believe in Karma so keep mentioning that horrible disease... I just hope they never get that mentioned disease and i say that sincerely.

    Agreed, had family members fall to it and i think the jokes are disgusting. 

    Scott S
    Scott S
    Whatever they have said we all know they would never say it in person, they say stupid shut because they can't get in trouble over the internet but in the end they will get what is coming to them 

    Doing some un ban appeals whilst watching @eval_betty, this guy keeping me pumped! 

    Just opened the forums to watch him dancing around topless... xD

    He's a full on Hype Man!

    He just doesn't stop!!!

    Right, we know a few things have went down tonight. There is no reason to act out and post stupid stuff ect, we are an adult community and we will deal with stuff accordingly . People are un happy about some situations at the minute. We don't need drama, if you feel like you are at the point of acting out weather it be teamspeak or forum refrain from it and go to bed. It's too early in the morning to be dealing with things. 

    RPUK is a home to people, we will keep it that way! As staff on RPUK I will be available any time tomorrow and if you have a problem with another person or in general come speak to me and we can get these situations sorted and passed in to the necessary people. It's Christmas!! Goodnight!

    Update coming, server will be up shortly. Thank you for your patience. 

    Oak Canada
    Oak Canada
    finally it will be legal to drive backwards while being naked. 

    When Vlad hides your post because he wants all the rep. @Vladic KaThat 12 pack of irn-bru i had ready on amazon to send you for christmas is out my shopping cart now. Your loss! 

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