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  • Liverpool fans you should be ashamed... Losing to wolves... Pissing wolves...  

    CSI Wolfy
    CSI Wolfy
    Just because they are wolves means that they are ultimately 100% better than anyone else @Robbie. Also wolves are not always "pissing" such a rude statement ;P

    They are crap, dingle ******** :D (I support westbrom who's local rivals are wolves. hence my anger :D

    When your helping people in staff help channels and then the one guy says to you when he was new he received 1.6m of me and now he has a gang :D I am now an investor for PMC 😂


    What an amazing looking cake 


    So ever since I came back from football Thursday I have an extremely discomforting pain in my right side when I breath walk laugh etc. Any ideas? 

    It's your body going through the growth and repair cycle, as you exercise micro-tears occur in your muscle fibres. These then repair through protein and will increase in size or known as hypertrophy. It is probably a bit of inflammation, to make you feel better apply heat packs to the side it hurts on. Also eat some protein to assist growth and repair.

    ^^ nerd

    Adam King
    Adam King
    Try gently pressing on where the pain is, if you get a sudden spike of pain it could be quite likely you have a broken rib. If so i highly recommend going to A&E/doctors and get it checked out, If you don't experience a sudden spike of pain when pressing the area but instead a more dull throbbing pain I'd say you've most likely badly bruised your side, in which case, put a ice pack on the area you feel pain to stop the swelling and the over a couple of days you should be back to full health.
    Here's a morphine lollipop to keep you going :p
    Adam King
    A R C T I C  

    But ponty seems to know what he's talking about so I'd listen to him 😂

    @Drew your video is amazing!! you have to keep the subtitles in, they make it so much better xD 

    Cheers man! :p

    That dead after football / pub ;) went to bed at 8 n now I'm wide awake but it hurts to move :'( feel like an old man every week now :p

    CSI Wolfy
    CSI Wolfy
    Tut tut, do I need to get you you're cane grandpa? 😝

    Congrats on shitposting your way to 500 posts :)

    No it's commenting on all these unban appeals :D 

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