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  1. TimC1993

    Un-ban Appeal - TimC1993 - 10/11/18 (Redirected 12/11-18)

    In-game Name Tim Steam ID 76561197963214185 The date of your ban. 10/11/18 Member of the team that banned you. Roberts Reason given for your ban. Unknown The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I was back on...
  2. TimC1993

    Fellow AltisLifers, could you please take a sec to do my final year survey?

    Really sorry if this isn't allowed, but I need to get as much coverage as possible and its aimed at PC gamers. Its only 7 multiple choice questions and would be a HUGE help thanks! https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MC9PNW9
  3. TimC1993

    Logged back in with less money and trucks missing (Completed)

    In-game name: Tim Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561197963214185   What was lost: Hemtt Boxed and around 600k   Value of item/money lost: 1,150,000 Quick description of what happened: Was playing late last night (between 1-3am), bought a Hemtt Boxed and then made some...
  4. TimC1993

    How on earth do you buy a house?

    Title says it all really, Just want to know where to actually purchase a house?
  5. TimC1993

    Compensation for bug crash (Completed 13/11/2014)

    In-game name: Tim, luckielordie Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): (Tim)76561197963214185, (Luckielordie)76561197990408387   What was lost: Zamac uncovered, Tempest transport, Rook 9, .45 revolver, Then just bags and clothes and stuff, neither of us had any money on us.   Value...
  6. TimC1993

    Lag Crash

    Me and a mate were trying to process copper, we were mugged so many times we gave up and decided to drive back to kavala, bank what we had and do something else, however, when we entered Kavala, I lagged out massively and it caused my truck to bounce back about 50m which meant both mine and my...