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  1. Snacks

    ARAC application?

    Hello, how can someone apply to the ARAC role? it seems like a fun thing to be.
  2. Snacks

    Compensation Request - Snacks

    In-game Name: Snacks Steam ID: 76561197999854026 Date this happened: 11/02/2015 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: I "crash" landed my unarmed cobra helicopter under the green hangar near the Air Repair. Being unable to repair it and get it out (it...
  3. Snacks

    Police drove my truck off the street (Denied)

    In-game name:  .Snacks Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): PID: Unknown as of yet   What was lost: 1 Truck  (400 slots) Value of item/money lost:  100k Quick description of what happened: Hi enforcers of Altis server, Today me dotSnacks (.snacks) and my buddy sKynzaur were...